Cracter's Advances and Desending

Start from the beginning

Eternina ( You are not useless and hold the ability to craft more than anybody, with this chisel only you can use it and those worthy of crafting. You will make waves upon this world so do not by deterred by words of others, now accepts these gifts and improve your skill and awake the ability.)

Hearing this she grabs the chisel and then feels a rush of energy run through her body and feels as if she can move it better. Her head is then touched by Eternina's hand and she shines in light then feels a  warmth.

Eternina ( I will go now but you have been blessed with time and skill now return to your village and improve your craft with your all, and spread the word of the great one and you will see his ability only when you stay true to your ways and  pray in your way.

Eternina fades away and Kayana stand in the forest and looks at the chisel in her hand, then picks up a branch and starts to carve it. She thinks of the creature common in the area for being passive, She carves a long snake like creature from it with a pair of short fangs and  strong details on its back the seems like leaves. The hours fly by and she ins engrossed in the craft and then finishes when she feels that it is right.

She then gets up and walks back to the settlement with a different expression on his face then she returns her father is standing in the way of the entrance with a large lump on his face staring her down with his arms crossed. She stands face to face with him and then tosses her creation at him and then waits.

He looks at her with a questionable look and then looks down, His eyes squint as he runs his hands across the creation and then looks at her with true curiosity. He speaks to her, 

Father (How did you make this, how?)

Kayana ( I made it with my hands and with my ability, I will not stop making what I want. I want you too not be in my way again.)

He looks at his daughter and he sees a new light in her and she seems calmer and more collected. She has changed and knows she is the best crafter he has seen. She looks at him and walks past him into the settlement and holds her chisel ready to improve it and awaken that she was told about, as she starts to pray to the Great one and Eternina that have blessed he with this tool and is now on they way to improvement.

Several years pass on and Kayana develops her settlement into a town after proving to the older men that she is the best and anyone can be a great crafter. She then goes on to lead her people too improving her peoples arts and crafts and helping expand them to the next step in improvement. 

Zeke watches this and then gets more several notifications at once and then reads them,

[You have gain an followers that worships you as the great one, and another one of your gods as well have gain followers. You also now have a religion established by the Cracters. You will now gain PP by your followers as well and the more prayers the more points.] 

[ Your First follower Kayana has been loyal to you and Eternina she has gained the title True Believer.]

Once done reading it he pauses the world and then starts to make a body to decend  into the world as one of the  Cracter so he can observe the world first hand and see his religion unclose to make sure it wasn't a cult. He makes a male body and with long hair and bright amber eyes, he made him a bit stronger then the normal. He then finishes the body and calls Infintino to him and starts to speak,

Zeke ( Infintino I will be going down to the surface and exploring the Cracter town, and will be their for a moment so I need you too keep track of things up here and call me if problems arise. Work together with Eternina and solve the simple problems you have the access too.)

He turns to Infintino and the god nods and thanks him of this chance, he then presses the button and he travels down a light and lands in a small meadow a bit away from the town and then moves his arms and Bodie around getting use to it. He then turns towards the town and starts walk to it.

After several minutes walking he is now at the entrance of the town and is quite impressed by the scale of their walls and their detailed exterior. He then try to enter the town and is stopped by the guards and then is questioned by them, and he manages to pass after several questions. When he enters the town is bustling in the valley walls, multiple walk ways and roads going all over. He saw a bunch of the houses and shops bustling as he sees and hears different crafts happing and at the end of the valley is a large building that seems like a government and workshop.

He then makes his way all over the town and sees the unique culture of them and is impressed by it. Then as he walks by a bar he decides to head in as he creates the coins they are using in the town and goes to the closest seat and orders a drink. He then looks over the bar with his eyes and sees that some are soldiers and warriors and others are crafters. He is then approached by a woman with dark red hair and blue eyes  she sits opposite to him and starts to talk.

???( Hey are their haven't seen your face before in this pub, are you new in town?)

Zane ( yeah I am my name is Zane Blackstone nice to meet you what's your name beautiful?)

Tayla( Tayla Gemcore and its nice to meet Mr.Blackstone what your business in town?)

Zane ( Im just a wonderer and heard about an incredible town with a master in crafting and wanted to see if I can challenge them.)

Tayla ( Oh we have a bold youngster with a goal to be beaten down by the master.)

Hearing her line he makes a smile and then confirms his thoughts and then starts to make a plan to put on a show, for his people and then turns to her and talks into the setting sun.

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