"Thank you for coming." Jungkook smiles at me whilst I take a seat opposite him.

"It's okay." I finally speak, picking up the menu to avoid looking at him.

"How have you been?" He nervously asks, trying to break the tension.

"Is that what you really want to ask me?" I sigh, dropping the menu.

"No" he shakes his head, eyes cast down on the table. "You know why I asked you to come, you read my letter."

"We did. So I know you're here because you want me to forgive you right? Forgive all the horrible things you subjected me to?"

"That's what I was hoping for." He nods, his eyes meeting mine.

"So tell me then. Why should I? What makes you think you deserve it?"

"I don't. What I did was unforgivable. But I want to move past it. I don't expect you to forgive me completely. But would you at least accept my apology?"

A harsh breath leaving my lips, I cast my eyes over to Tae, giggling slightly as I watch him stuffing a breakfast muffin in his mouth, eyes still boring into Jungkook.

"I will." I nod as I look back to him. "But only because of my husband. He makes me incredibly happy and to have my past hanging over us constantly is not fair on him. He deserves a complete wife. And if me forgiving you is what it will take for me to get over it then yes. I will."

"Seriously?" He beams at me "We can move on? Be friends?"

"I don't know about that. Baby steps Jungkook."

"Right." He nods "Baby steps."

Giving Tae a discreet thumbs up under the table, watching as his body relaxes slightly, I struggle to hold in a laugh when he picks up the menu again. He's always been a sucker for Jin's cooking.

"So now can I ask? How have you been?" Jungkook asks me as I look over the menu again myself.

"Great actually." I smile honestly "I'm happy."

"That's good to hear. You deserve to be happy."

"How about you?" I counter with the same question.

"I'm good. Better than I was at least. I did get married."

"You did? That's great." Again, another smile spreads across my face, genuinely happy for him.

"And divorced...."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He shakes his head, chuckling to himself. "What's funny is that we got divorced because she was cheating on me."

"Well that's karma for ya." I respond, happy knowing at least the universe is on my side.

"Five years later?" He questions, cocking his eyebrow.

"Well what can I say? It's a bitch." Earning a laugh from him, I can feel myself relaxing. Feeling like I'm catching up with an old school friend rather than sat across from an abusive ex boyfriend.

A comfortable silence filling the space between us, we look at each other, a certain fondness glistening in his eyes as he smiles at me.

"Friends?" He tries again, his eyes softening.



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A/N Do you think you did the right thing?

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Step Too Far 2    KTH 🔞Where stories live. Discover now