Behind The Scenes

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BTC Behind the Scenes

Hey everyone! So this is my "Behind The Scenes" of Break The Cycle. Here are all of the little hidden facts that you may not have known! If you guys give this chapter and my last chapter lots of votes and comments I miiiiiiight be nice and upload the first chapter of my new story today.

Soo here we go!

I wrote the outline for this story on my phone. Then I used the outline to hand-write the story in two and a half notebooks. Then I wrote the entire story on wattpad as a draft BEFORE I published it. This is why the story has taken me so long to get together from beginning to end and it's how I write all of my stories.

The character for Riley was inspired by a television show. I'm a fan of Boy Meets World. Now, there is a sequel show called Girl Meets World. It's on Disney Channel...don't judge me. Anyway, when I heard that there was a sequel television show to Boy Meets World, I had to see it. The girl I had for Riley in this story, Sabrina Carpenter, plays a girl named Maya in the show. However, I already had planned for a character in a different story to have that name. In the TV show, Maya's best friend is named Riley - so that's where it all came from. Also, the girl that plays Riley at ages 3 and 4 is also a Girl Meets World actress. She plays Ava and she's VERY annoying; but she had the right look. I had thought about actually having the girl that actually plays Riley on Girl Meets World (Rowan Blanchard) play Riley in this story as she actually could pass for Chris' daughter. She's got the hair, the eyes, even the nose. But she just looked too young. Soo I went with Sabrina Carpenter and made her look more like Carlie than Chris. However...Should I ever make another Chris' Motionless' daughter story, she is DEFINITELY the actress I will use...wink wink nudge nudge.

While it is never officially stated, Riley has an eidetic memory, which is how she can remember so much about her past and things that happened when she was little when she was trying to escape captivity. It's also the explanation as to why she is so intelligent.

I didn't originally plan on "Sam" raping Riley at first. I was going to include physical abuse and maybe molestation, but once I started to type this story out on wattpad, I realized that I wanted to make the story a bit more...intense. And so came the rape scenes.

I started writing this story when Sabrina was still a merch girl for the band. When it came out that she was no longer doing merch, but something else, I had already written the Warped Tour chapters. If I were to write the story with Sabrina doing her actual job with the band, I would've had to rewrite a lot of things about the story so I just decided to keep her as the merch girl.

I had originally planned on making Riley straight. I was going to do your typical "Dad please don't scare off my boyfriend" thing originally. However, I knew that I wanted the person Riley dated to be close with the rest of the Cerulli family. So, when I was first making the outline of this story and had Max help Riley out of Washington, I decided I would have her return to the story and make Riley's sexuality a big part of the plot. And I feel like because Max ended up being a girl, it made her bond with Chris in particular even stronger. I just couldn't imagine Chris having that kind of closeness with the person Riley was dating had in been a boy, you know?

I didn't originally plan on the Jack character. I was looking for a song by Sabrina Carpenter for Riley to sing because I wanted to use that particular actress' voice, and then I came across the cover of "Come Home" that she did with Abraham Mateo, and I decided I wanted to use that song. And thus, Jack was born :)

Jack didn't have a sister of first. She and her murder were created on the spot because I needed a really good reason as to why his family wouldn't like people like Chris. This whole thing is really symbolic though. His family doesn't just hate Chris because he's goth and a goth guy killed Phoebe. A goth guy killed Phoebe, and the fact that another goth guy (Chris) got his lost loved one returned to him (Riley) made them jealous because they couldn't get Phoebe back, and they lost her at the hands of someone similar to Chris, who got his lost one returned to him. They didn't feel like Chris deserved to get Riley back - even though he had nothing to do with Phoebe's death. Make sense?

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