Chapter 26

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Chris' POV

I get into the car with tears in my eyes. I hated seeing Riley like that; so upset, so...afraid. For a moment, I just sit there, taking in everything that just happened in there.

"Well THAT could have gone better." I say to myself.

I grab my phone and quickly dial Sabrina's number. I get her voicemail, which I somewhat expected.

"Hey, babe, it's me. Listen, can you give me a call or text me when you're free to talk because I just really need to talk to you. It's about Riley and her friend, Max...I'm starting to think that this Max is the same Max we learned about on Warped Tour so...just get a hold of me when you can." I say before hanging up.

I set my phone down and exhale. I have a feeling that this is going to be long weekend...

I drive through the gates and start driving through the neighborhood. Now that Riley has told me where Max lives, I want to get her home myself even more. The corner of Spades and 83rd is in a pretty sketchy part of town...

I take a turn, and start driving outside of the neighborhood. Finally, I find what I'm looking for. Max's bright yellow dress is a dead give away. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, she's looking down as she walks, and once in a while her shoulders bob like she's crying. I pull the car over to the curb really quick. I get out of the car, shut the door behind me and walk onto the sidewalk.

"Max!" I call, walking up to her.

She jumps and turns around. She looks beyond confused when she sees me.

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask her.

She blinks, looking even more confused now, "Oh. Um. N-No, that's really okay."

I sigh, "Max, Riley told me where you live, and no offense, but it's not in the best part of town. I don't want you walking there by yourself, especially not at this hour. Hell, if I'd known that that's where you lived, I probably wouldn't have let you walk to our house alone at night in the first place." I say, "Please, just let me take you home. You've had a rough night."

"What makes you think I've had a rough night?" Max asks, defensively.

"Well, for one thing, your makeup is down to your cheekbones." I state, "And...I know what happened."

"Know what happened? Between me and Riley?" Max asks, "She told you?"

"You could say that." I say, not really feeling the need to go into detail.

Max lets this sink in a minute, "Oh." She states.

I nod, "C'mon." I say, extending my hand out to her.

Max hesitates a minute, but then finally decides to take it. I lead her to the car and open the passenger side door for her. She gets in and I shut the door. I walk around to the driver's side and get in. I buckle myself in, then start to drive.

I look over at Max once in a while. She holds her homecoming crown in her hands. A few tears run down her face, but she quickly wipes them away before she thinks I'll notice. I pretend I don't.

"Is Riley in trouble?" Max suddenly asks.

"What makes you say that?"

"You have her phone." She points out.

I sigh, "It's not what you think. She missed her curfew."

"She did?!" Max asks. She looks at the time, then sighs, defeated, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It isn't your fault."

There's a pause.

"I want you to know," I start, "That none of what happened tonight was your fault."

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