Chapter 2

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A/N: Sooooo how did everyone like the first chapter? Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me! Also. Tell me a bit about yourselves! Give me your favorite song by MIW! Mine are Scissorhands and Wasp.

Okay let's get to this. I own no references used.

Chris' POV

"So, you getting sick of everyone on your bus yet?" Andy asks me.

I'm talking to Andy Biersack outside the buses before the show. He's a really nice guy, and I'm super glad his band chose us to come on tour with them. Our first concert of the tour is tonight, and I'm pretty excited.

I laugh at Andy's question, "Not yet; they're like my brothers in there. Though I suppose TJ can be kind of a dick at times." I joke.

Andy laughs, "I know how that is." He says. He then looks down and past me, "Well, hey there." He says, smiling.

I turn and see Riley standing in the doorway of the RV. Balz suddenly appears.

"Damn, your kid is fast!" He breathes.

I laugh, "C'mere, RileyBear."

Riley hops down the steps of the RV and walks over to me. She hugs my leg.

Andy smiles, "She yours?"

"Yup. Riley, can you say 'hi'?"

Riley hesitantly waves. Andy smiles and waves in return. I laugh and pick up Riley and she buries her face in my shoulder, "She's shy. I think her mother has her afraid of pretty much every human being now."

"Wow, I'm sorry. That whole situation just sounds like it was terrible."

I sigh, "It's alright. We're getting better."

"Well, you've got yourself a beautiful little girl there. Be careful when she gets older."

"Oh, I know. No boys for you, you hear me?"

"Okay." Riley says.


A week later.

"So, I know it's only a week into tour, but would you say there are any crazy 'tour stories' you could tell us?" The interviewer asks.

I sit back and think a minute, "Uh..." I start, "Well, it's been kinda crazy 'cause we brought my kid."

"Oh, you're a father, that's right!" He says.

"Yeah, uh, RileyBear! C'mere!" I call.

Riley dashes out of the bunk room and over to me. I scoop her up and put her in my lap. Riley just buries her face into my chest.

I laugh, "She's really shy."

"I can tell." The interviewer laughs.

"Riley, can you say 'hi'?" I try again.

Riley gulps, "Hi." She says, quietly.

I laugh, "Hey, we actually got her to say it!" I say, smiling, "I guess all of the extra exposure to all of the people is causing her to open up a bit."

"Our Riley is growing up!" Ricky exclaims jokingly from the couch. We all laugh.

"Actually, she'll be in preschool this time next year." I say as the realization hits.

There's a pause.

"Is this just now hitting you guys?"

"Yes." We all chorus.

The interviewer laughs, "So, Chris, are you a single dad?"

"Yup. It's just Riley and I."

"You had her with a past girlfriend? Who's last name does she have?"

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