???: I'm Linda. I'm one of the villagers here, thank you for getting rid of those bandits, some us saw you last night, we wanted to help you, but.... it seems you didn't need any...

Seraph: Oh... it's okay really, I was just passing by until I saw smoke...

Linda: Still, everyone in this village is in your debt. We can't thank you enough. We would like to reward you but...

Linda then looks around her surroundings as she examines the village. Houses were burned down as only ashes were left behind. Although not every single home was burned down, some manage to survive.

Linda: We have nothing to give to you...

Seraph: It's alright, you don't have too.

Seraph said as he waves off showing his gratitude. Before noticing something on Linda.

Seraph: Hmm...

Linda: What?

Seraph then looks closely at Linda as he examines her, something caught his eyes as he saw originium crystals on both of her shoulders.

Seraph: Crystals... 

Linda: !

Linda quickly covers her shoulders with her hands as she then look away with grief?

Linda: U-Umm... I-It's not what you think.... I mean....

Seraph: You're infected.

Linda: ...Yes....

Seraph: ....

Linda: ...

Seraph: ....

Linda: Are you disgusted?

Seraph: Huh?

Linda: Are you disgusted of me being an infected? Non-infected people mistreat us and cast us aside.... if the infected get too close to a Non-infected, they will be infected as well....

After Linda finish her sentence, Seraph's hands start to glow which caught his attention.

Seraph Thoughts: The powers again... but this time it felt like... a harmony?

Seraph thought as he looks at Linda.

Linda: ....

Seraph: You want me to help?

Linda: Huh?

Seraph then stretches his left arm up as his hand was open wide, then a bright glowing orb appears in his hand. He then realizes it's the same orb from his dream.

Seraph Thoughts: Is this the same orb from my dreams? If so that means...

Seraph then splashes the orb on Linda.

Linda was surprised at first then was shocked, the originium crystallize spots on her shoulders started to disappear.

Linda: How did you...

Linda looked at her shoulders in silence as she was still shocked at what just happened.

Linda: W-Wha...

Seraph: There you go, I got rid of your Oripathy by using my "Arts". Which means, you're no longer Infected.... I think?

Linda didn't reply as she just stares at Seraph.

Seraph: ....What?

Seraph is then immediately pulled into a tight hug by Linda while the Phoenix looks at the two in confusion.

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