The lying witch and a warden: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Garbage." She said about a cellphone and tossed it away. She ended up doing the same to a Diamond ring and a golden grail.

She kept looking the the bag and gasped at something. "Now this,....this will make me rich!" She said about a pair of glasses with fake eyes attached to springs.

"What about this?" The boy asked and held up the book on Azura. "That will be good kindling." The woman said as she got the book and placed it over a small candle. Luz gasped in horror at the sight of her book getting ready to go up in flames.

She quickly ran to the two and immediately too the book from the woman. "Excuse me sorry that's mine thank you!" Luz said so quickly that it sounded like one sentence.

Luz tried to run to the door, until it folded itself up. "Your not going anywhere." The woman said as she took the glasses off. Luz yelped and ran under the tent and ran fir a bit until she saw where she really was.

 Luz yelped and ran under the tent and ran fir a bit until she saw where she really was

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"Oh no no no no. What's going on?" Luz said nervously and felt and hand on her shoulder. She looked and saw the boy smirking.

"Welcome, to h e double hockey sticks!" He said and gave a devilish laugh. Luz gasped in horror, then the boy started uncontrollably laughing. "HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Oh god you should have seen you face!" He said laughing as he swatted a purple fairy away. He fell to the ground laughing. Then the woman grabbed Luz and took her the a chair.

"I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book back!" Luz said nervously as the boy raised his hand. "Before you talk anymore, I gotta ask you something............wanna buy something?" The boy asked, Luz stopped shivering in fear and looked at the two.

"Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?" The woman asked as she held up a sandal. "What about a green candy bar?" The boy asked. "How about the black shadow box that reflects only sadness?" The woman said and showed Luz a portable TV.

Luz chuckled softly and looked at the two. "Nots not all it can do." She said and got a pair of batteries that were laying around and placed them into the TV. Once it was one on, the stand was surrounded by shoppers.

The woman smiled and looked at Luz. "What did you say your name was again?" She asked.

"I'm Luz Noceda." She said. "Well kid, that's clever, for a human." The boy said. "That's kinda weird for another human to say." Luz said.

"Oh dear, we are not like you." The woman said as she removed the hood that she was wearing and jumped on the table. The boys eyes widened. "No no no mommy. Don't say." The boy didn't have time to finish his sentence because his mother started talking to the crowd.

"I'm Eda the owl lady! The most powerful witch on the boiling isles!" Eda said with pride. "God dang it! Now we are going to get caught for sure!" Y/N thought to himself. Only he didn't think dang.

"A witch?" Luz said completely surprised and amazed. "I am a respected, feared." Eda bragged. "Busted." A voice boomed.

"Oh boy." Y/N said as he looked at the muscular man who wore black gloves, a black outfit, and a plague doctor mask.

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