"2?" Nancy guessed.

"Nope, he got more than ten. I wonder if I have Niagara flows oo, but I was embarrassed like mad. Eventually, he brought me back after so much awkwardness in the car." I finished amd face palmed, while the girls were laughing at the awkward situation I got myself in, early in the morning.

"More than ten?" Maryam asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Leav-" I got interrupted by my phone ringing. It was the food I ordered. I stood up and wrapped a scarf around my head and neck and stood up. "My food is here."

I walked out of the hostel and walked to the main girls hostel gate. A man was standing there with three bags, definitely my food. My phone rang and I picked it,

"I'm here." I walked forward and collected the bag, checked it and gave him a tip. I walked back to the hostel, greeting some people on the way.

"She have land! Oya, what did you buy, hope you did not buy just for yourself?" Aisha said collecting a bag from me.

"I still wonder when you guys eat your food, I'm always caught eating mine!" I rolled my eyes.

"Open the bag and stop complaining." Maryam said, sounding like an Agbero.

We laughed, because she sounded funny with her fulani accent. We all ate together while talking and talking. Immediately we were done, they disposed the plates while I laid down, since I paid for the food, they dispose and clean. They all got busy with their phones and I decided to pick mine up. I saw a message from a number and checked it, while there were numerous messages left. It was an unknown number, but when I checked it, it had the previous message from the time I had gotten angry at Aisha.

"Asalamualaikum, sorry to disturb. Just wanted to ask how you're doing." I pondered on who would send me this message, until it clicked. I smiled and started typing a reply.

"Walaikumsalam, yes I'm better now, thanks for asking." I couldn't help but keep the smile on my face.

"Alhamdullilah then, so what are you up to?" He replied after some seconds.

"Nothing much, just had lunch. You?"

"Same here, have some work to do. What did you have for lunch, maybe I could have ideas." He said with a wink emoji.

"Potato and yam porridge with fried peppered meat." I typed back.

"Sadly, can't have too much pepper. Little to nothing."

"Really, why?"

"I'm an ulcer patient, I need to be careful with what I eat." He replied, I felt pity for him.

"Too bad, no peppered meat for you then." I replied smiling. I felt comfortable texting with him than talking.

"I'm gonna try it anyways." He said adding the shrugging emoji.

"Oh, don't you dare!" I frowned my face.

"I wont, I won't. Calm down tigress, but what do you suggest I eat then?" A smile asking its way to my face.

"Try fried rice and chicken, less spicy chicken."

"Yes miss."

"And with water, not with soda." I added again.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good boy!" I slapped my forehead after realizing what I had sent. I quickly deleted it but he had seen it.

"Really, I'm a good boy?" He asked, adding the laughing emoji.

"That was supposed to be for my baby cousin." I lied.

"Are you sure?" I could imagine him laughing.

"Yes, we'll talk later? I want to do something." I tried to get away from what I had put my self through.

"Sure. Salamualaikum."

"Walaikumsalam." I said before I put off my phone. Turning around, I felt the girls stares on me.

"What?" I looked at them inquisitively.

"Why are you smiling?" Aisha asked.

"Because I can?" I retorted.

"Who you dey follow talk?" (Who are you speaking with?) Nancy asked again, using her thick pidgin.

"Fine, someone." I looked at Aisha.

They looked at me, using the I'm watching you sign, before going back to their beds.

I'm old enough { RE WRITING  }Where stories live. Discover now