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Imhotep's Chamber

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Imhotep's Chamber

O'Connell and Jonathan are using a sledge-hammer against the ceiling. Kara is gently chipping away with a tiny chisel. "According to my calculations, we should be right under the statue. We'll come up right between his legs" Kara says. Evy laughs and her sister winks at her. "And when those dirty yanks go to sleep--" Jonathan says than looks at O'Connell. "No offence" he says before continuing. "None taken" he replies. "We'll sneak up and steal that book right under them" he finishes. "And your sure you can find the secret comparment?" O'Connell asks Kara. "Yes, if their Egyptologist hasn't already found it" Kara answers. Jonathan looks around. "I say, what's our smelly little up to?" Jonathan asks.

"Let me get this straight, they stuck a sharp, red hot poker up your nose, cut your brain into small pieces, then ripped it all out through your nostrils?" O'Connell asked. "It's called mummification" Evy stated. "You're dead when they do this" Kara added. "Still..." Jonathan randomly said. "Yeah, that brings you back to life" O'Connell said. "You two are worse than a couple of high school boys" she mutters. A huge chunck of the roof suddenly gives out. O'Connell grabs Kara and pulls her away. Jonathan pulls Evelyn and they dive for the far wall. A massive stone casement drops out of the ceiling and crashes to the floor.

O'Connell, Kara, Evelyn and Jonathan slowly get up and step over the massive stone casement. Kara immediately recognized it as an sarcophagus. "Oh my god..." Evelyn says mostly to herself. "It's a sarcophagus" Kara confirms. "Why would they bury somebody in the ceiling?" O'Connell asks. "They didn't, they buried him at the foot of Anubis" Evelyn replies. "He was either someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty" Kara adds.

Kara and Evy are clearing the dirt off the top of the sarcophagus, revealing a single, ominous hieroglyph. Evelyn stares at it while her brother impatiently strums his fingers across the lid. "Well? Who is it?" he asks. Evelyn stares at her sister waiting for her answer. Kara looks confused and concerned. "He who shall not be named" she reads. O'Connell dusts off the huge lock. "There's some sort of lock here. You say these thing's are made of granite with a steel interior?" he asks.

"Quarried granite with a cobalt lining" Evy says. "Whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out" Jonathan states. "No kidding, without a key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing" O'Connell said while looking at the sarcophagus. Kara stops for a second and remembered the man was asking for a key. "A key! Duh. That's what he was talking about" she said mostly to herself. "Who was talking about what?" O'Connell asks. Kara starts rummaging through the pack on Jonathan's back.

"The man on the barge. The one with the hook, he was looking for a key" Kara pulls out the box. Jonathan tried to take it back. "Hey that's mine!" Jonathan said to his siter. "Technically, it's Rick's" she replied. She unfolds the box, it's now shaped exactly like the lock's keyhole. Evelyn and Kara smile at each other. Then they hear the warden's screams. The four of them turn and take-off running.

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