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FULL NAME: Kara Cleopatra Croft

DATE OF BIRTH: February 15, 1900

AGE: 25

TITLES: Cleo, Kara, Kars, Croft, big sis (her siblings). Responsible sibling, the famous Croft (other people). Future Mrs. O'Connell, sweetheart (Rick O'Connell).

OCUPATION: Business woman, archeologist, tomb raider.

FAMILY: Richard Croft (Father)

Amelia Croft (Step-mother)

Aella Carnahan (Mother)

Howard Carnahan (Step-father)

Jonathan Carnahan (Half-brother)

Evelyn Carnahan (Half-sister)

RELATIONSHIPS: Currently single

Kain Smith (Ex-boyfriend)

Terry Sheridan (Ex-boyfriend)


HAIR COLOR: Dark brown




Cleopatra Kara Croft. Kara is the daughter of famous businessman and archeologist Richard Croft. Her mother was an Egyptian woman, Aella who loved adventure and history. Kara's father was the same, but he covered it up with his business. Her mother left her with her father after she fell in love with Howard Carnahan, but she often visited her daughter, or Kara would visit her. Since her first years Kara had been a smart girl. Her world revolved around books and puzzles her father brought her from his expeditions. By the time she was ten she could read and write in Egyptian, English and French. And as the years passed other languages were added to the list. She was incredibly smart and thanks to her father  paying for homeschool she was able to attend college at fifteen, she wanted to find her own adventures but she decided to finish college first.


Her father passed away a little after she graduted college, she decided to study archeology and business management. She wanted to make her father proud and she did. Her father left everything to her. Since his late wife had passed away years before he did. She became a tomb raider. She was the best of the best. She had ancient artifacts and such in her mansion. She was a well-known archeologist and business woman. She was eighteen when her father died and twenty when her mother and step father died. She took care of her sister Evelyn and helped her brother Jonathan on anything she could. Once Evelyn decided to study her older sister helped her settle and find a school. As soon as she did she left and never turned back. She wrote from time to time but she was constantly moving and busy.


Before leaving to the states her friend dragged her to a fight. She didn't know why they were fighting but he was her friend so she followed him. She saved her friend Alex and another guy. She didn't get his name becuase she was leaving when she saw the man was cornered by three or more men. He saw her but didn't get to say anything because as fast as she was there, she was gone. Kara was more focused on her career than anything else. Her last two missions didn't go as she wanted. The first mission she was searching for Himiko the mythical Queen of Yamatai, who had the power over life and death. Kara hired someone to take her to the island. Before they got there a storm caught up to them, they had to jump out of the ship before it crashed. Kara ended up washed up in the island she was looking for, she was taken to Matias Vogel who ended up taking her prisoner along with Lu Ren the man that took her to the island of Yamatai. Kara and Lu Ren planned to escape but she's the only one that succeeded. She survived a lot before finding a place to stay for the night. Vogel had sent someone to kill her but she killed the person instead.

After her fight she saw someone in the jungle. For a brief second she thought she had hallucinated, but she followed it and saw her dad. It turned out her father was alive. They made a plan to stop Vogel from opening the tomb. Unfortunately, she got caught and so did her father. He forced Kara to opened the tomb which she did. They made their way to the Queen but not without a few traps and many near death experiences. When they arrived they find Himiko's sarcophagus, when they tried to remove the corpse one of the men became infected by a virus. Kara realized that Himiko was an asymptomatic carrier of the virus but chose to entomb herself to not infect others. Kara and father fought their way out but her father got infected. Kara refused to leave her father but soon realized her father wasn't gonna make it. After their difficult goodbye she finally left and caught up to Vogel, they fight and she killed him by infecting with with the finger he stole from the corpse. She escaped the tomb as it was collapsing, Lu Ren and the other slaves were there waiting for her. The helped arrived and they left the island.

The last mission led her to the Pandora box. She saved the world but she had to make sacrifices. Terry Sheridan was an old lover. He was in prison when she asked for his help. Once they had the gotten rid of the threat Terry wanted to take the box and sell it to the highest bidder but Kara didn't want that. An altercation happened he thougth she wouldn't kill him because she once loved him but in the end she did what was best for the world, she killed Terry although it was basically self defense because he wanted to kill her first. After that she decided to take a break from her adventures. There was an empty feeling in her stomach, she felt bad for what had happened with Terry but she did what she had to do to protect the world and the people she cared about. The last time she had seen her sister Eve was when she was twent, Kara now twenty-five thought what she needed was some family alone time. She wanted some peace and quiet but what she didn't know was that she arrived at the right time for another crazy adventure.

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