Shoulder Pains~Domino Twins x Reader

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Word count: 860
Warnings: fluff, cuddling, soft bois
You had just finished dusting your room when there was a rapid burst of knocking on your door. Slightly confused, you walked over and pressed the pannel, allowing the door to open. The second it did, an ARC trooper clad in blue armor practically fell into your room. You managed to catch him and were just lucky he didn’t crush you.

“Oof, really Fives,” you grunted, pushing him to stand up. He only groaned in response. You were relieved of the weight when Echo entered, pulling his brother off of you.

“You didn’t have to collapse on her,” he commented. Echo turned his head and stretched his neck, a wince flashing across his face.

“I don’t care, I’m in pain,” Fives mumbled. He dragged his feet all the way to your bed before collapsing on it. You frowned, confused.

“What happened to you two?” you asked.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” Echo answered simply, discomfort showing through his obvious lie. You raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re not a good liar, Echo.” He gave you an offended look, which you paid no mind to.

You turned to the trooper sprawled on your bed knowing he wouldn’t hide his feelings. “What happened, Fives?”

“Pauldrons happened, that’s what,” he said, his voice slightly muffled from being face down on your bed. A smug and knowing smirk came to your face and you looked to Echo, who was now looking at the floor in embarrassment.

“You boys always talked about becoming ARC troopers and now that you finally are, the first problem you have is the pauldrons?”

“I don’t have a problem with it,” Echo insisted, you gave him a guilty look and he sighed. “They’re heavy,” he mumbled.

You felt bad for them, most new ARC troopers had trouble coping with the heavy armor on their shoulders the first day. This was the situation with your beloved Domino twins. You cupped his cheek and brought his face up to look at yours.

“It’s ok Echo, everyone has trouble with the pauldrons the first time,” you said sweetly. You took his hand and pulled him over to your bed and ushered him to sit down on the edge. You sat down next to him and ran your hand through Fives’ hair, the tired trooper humming happily at your actions. “Why don’t you both take off your upper armor and sit on the floor in front of the bed. I’ll massage your shoulders for you,” you offered.

You swore you’d never seen Fives move so fast, sitting up and removing the top half of his armor, letting in drop on the floor with a thud. Echo set his armor down on the floor before sitting on a pillow you had placed down for them, leaning back against the bed. The perfect height for you to reach their shoulders. You took your hands, one on each of them, and began to knead and massage their sore shoulder muscles. They both visibly relaxed and small groans began falling from Fives lips. Echo closed his eyes and hummed, a small smile etched onto his face.

“That better boys?”

“Kriff yes,” Fives moaned, “Your hands feel amazing.”

Echo batted his brother on the arm. “Gross, Fives, that sounds dirty.” You laughed and continued your work, making sure that their muscles were no longer tense in even the slightest bit.

You loved the Domino twins, Fives and Echo, you had been Domino squad's biggest fan all through their cadet days. You were proud but sad when they were shipped off to Rishi. You had said goodbye to all of them the night before, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Droidbait, and Cutup. Hevy promised you he would watch over the other boys and Cutup kissed you goodbye. Your heart was broken when only Fives and Echo came back, but you were glad to see them. The three of you became closer than ever and they came to you almost every night. Sometimes just to talk, other times to relax and have fun after a tough day of training. They were like big brothers to you and you loved them dearly.

Satisfied with your work, you retracted your hands and leaned forwards to be able to see their faces. “Better?”

“Much, much better,” Echo replied. “Good,” you smiled. Fives climbed back onto your bed and laid down on his side, facing you. “Can we sleep? Just for a little?” He asked sweetly. You shook your head with a smile, “I can’t say no to you boys.”

Fives smiled and held his arms open for you. You laid down and he pulled your back into his chest, Echo laid down in front of you and you wrapped your arms around his stomach pulling him close to you. The three of you were squeezed into your small bed on your sides spooning each other. The twins lower armor dug into your legs but you put aside the discomfort for how loved and cozy you felt squished between the two new ARC troopers. Echo’s legs were hanging off the bed and Fives was breathing on the back of your neck but you wouldn’t have it any other way.

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