Chapter 13 - Blissful

Start from the beginning

"Wait you guys have a hot tub?" Raven asks, not taking anything else that was said. Luna flickered her eyes to Raven. "Not the point, but yes we do."

She returned her gaze to Clarke, "Do we understand each other Clarke. If Lexa tries any of these places, you run away and yell rape. Do you need a whistle too because I can make that happen."

Clarke's face was flaming hot by the time Luna finished. She was sure her head was about to explode from all the blood rushing to it. "I- I- We-" She was unable to form a coherent sentence. "We're not having sex. Yup, yeah, we're not having sex."

"Who's not having sex?" Lexa asks entering the room, plopping down on the couch next to Clarke, resting her hand on her inner thigh which only intensified Clarke's blush.

"Are you okay Clarke? Luna what did you do to her?" Lexa says sitting closer to Clarke, pressing the back side of her hand to Clarke's cheek, "Are you burning up? Did you eat something bad?"

Raven had started giggling, "Apparently you're the one not having sex Lexa."

Lexa furrowed her eyebrows, "No, of course I'm not, I'm sitting right here-" she returned her eyes to Clarke and the lightbulb in her head went on. "Oh."

She retracted her hand from Clarke's cheek, resting her hand on her thigh again. Lexa was absolutely radiating of confidence now. "What we do, doesn't concern either of you."

"Is that a challenge I hear Lexa?


Lexa had managed to expedite Luna and Raven's flight to Los Angeles, now she could only hope that Luna won't change her mind as soon as they touchdown there. Ever since their mother had died on the table, Luna has grown a phobia toward any and all forms of doctors. Even if she developed a cold, she refused to pay them a visit for medication.

Becca had a serious case of Appendix cancer, a Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumour. During the surgical removal of the tumour that Becca insisted her sister Anya performed, Anya nicked a major artery that went unnoticed and Becca went into cardiac arrest. After several failed attempts of resuscitation, they called it. It was hard on Matthew, but it was even harder on their two daughters.

Luna and Lexa were two young kids, both just turned 7 years old the previous month of July. At the time they couldn't fully understand why their mother wasn't coming home, but yet they understood that she in fact never was coming home again. At a later age, they started to understand and Luna was never good at coming to terms with things that were out of her control, Lexa however was better at such; although it took her awhile to accept things as they were, she eventually did.

At this moment Lexa and Clarke were on their way to the Griffin household, Lexa had set up a meeting with Jake to share the good news he doesn't know is coming. Clarke had packed the bag she had at Lexa's, since she insisted Clarke went home, to show that the deal in fact was legitimate, a sign of good faith.

"I'm nervous." Lexa utters, more to herself than to Clarke.

Clarke moved her fingers in a circular motion over Lexa's hand resting on her thigh while the other was on the steering wheel, "You don't have to be. It's not much but I'll be there, next to you the whole time. The irony of it all is that you make me feel safe and I hope to make you feel safe too."

"I make you feel safe?" Lexa asks her eyes not leaving the road once.

"Of course you do. I'm not sure if you noticed what you've done for me the past few days, but I definitely noticed. Perhaps it wasn't the most fortunate turn of events to make me come to the realization that I have come to, but it is what it is and I'm kind of grateful."

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