Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Oh My God Yes. We need to tell the police." Liam exclaimed.

"Not right now guys. I just want to know if she'll be okay first." Ryan said in a scared and quiet tone.

"Playing the gunshots audio on your phone was actually a good idea. I can't believe you actually kept that after I used it to prank you." Sam commented.

"Yeah but it was a good idea too late." Ryan replied.

"You did the best you could Ryan. Nobody could have predicted that Helen is a psycho."Tony consoled.

"But what if she doesn't make it guys?"Ryan asked the question leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Don't you dare say that. This is Alanna we're talking about. She's the toughest among us and you all know it. She will make it through." Sophia scolded.

"Okay."Ryan agreed. "How did you guys find me anyway?"

"Your mom called me and told me what happened and I called everyone else and we all came here." Sam replied.

"Thank you guys." Ryan said appreciatively.

"Anytime. We're family." Liam responded.

"We also brought clean clothes. You can change in the bathroom." Sophia suggested handing him a small bag.

Ryan took it from her and walked towards the bathroom. He was getting more scared as the time went by without any news. He opened the bathroom door and walked in finding it empty. He looked at himself in the mirror and he looked worse than he had earlier that morning when he was sick. He shrugged off his clothes down to his boxers and used the water in the sink and some soap to clean the blood off his body. He then used some paper towels to clean himself before putting on the clothes his friends had brought. He took a few minutes more to compose himself and will the tears to stop falling. Alanna would probably laugh at him and call him a wuss for all the crying he was doing. He'd let her call him anything if she woke up.

"God you and I are on good terms right so please do me one favor. Please let my baby pull through. I love her so much and I can't imagine not having her in my life. I know she'd make a fine addition to your list of angels up there but there's so much we haven't done together. She's my angel for now and I'd like to keep it that way. Please make her better. Amen." Ryan prayed out loud looking his reflection on the mirror.

Feeling much more confident he walked out of the bathroom having tossed his bloody clothes in the trash not wanting a reminder of what has transpired a few hours ago. He found that Alanna's parents had already arrived and all the guilt and shame he had been feeling earlier came flooding back.

It was all his fault that their daughter was fighting for her life a few doors away. It would be all his fault if they never got to see her grow up, become one of the best chefs in the country and later get married and have kids. Her dad may never get to walk her down the aisle and it would be all his fault. Her mom would never get to spoil her grandkids and he would be to blame.

Before he could beat himself up, her mom engulfed him in a hug shocking him.

"Stop doing what you're doing. You're friends already explained everything and its not your fault. And my baby is strong. She will pull through this." Judith encouraged fighting her own tears herself.

"But..." Ryan began.

"No buts." Her dad scolded and Ryan had no option but to nod.

They all sat back down with Ryan sandwiched between Sophia and Sam. Everyone was anxious waiting for news on her. It was almost four hours now and still nothing. They better be doing a good job in there after making them wait this long.

Ryan decided to distract himself by imagining all the things he would do for her once she got better. Top of the list was definitely not let her walk home on her own again no matter the time or situation they were in. He would always make sure he was there for her because the one time he had left her alone the worst had happened and he didn't think he had it in him to go  through this experience again.

He would also have to make sure he took her on that vacation she had told him about. She deserved it after going through such an experience. They wouldn't go now because they still had one more term and their final exams but they would go soon after. Like one of those trips people take to celebrate achieving something great in their lives. For them it would be to celebrate life and completing high school. Definitely a great plan.

Ryans thoughts were interrupted by doors opening and footsteps approaching them making everyone perk up. It was a surgeon still dressed in his scrubs. He took off his mask and they all couldn't predict what he was about to tell them because his face was neutral.

"Family of Alanna Ireri." He called out.

"Here." Everyone answered and the doctor smiled knowing there was no way they all could be family seeing as how different they looked.

"I assume you're her parents. Can I speak to you in private?" He asked pointing to Simon and Judith and the rest of their faces fell.

Ryans heart was pounding in anticipation and this doctor was not saying anything.

"We're all her family so tell us please." Judith pleaded holding her husbands hands for strength.

"Well okay then. I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that she lost a lot of blood and needed several transfusions. The knife did damage to her organs and we had to take one of her kidneys out." The doctor informed them and they all felt their hearts break more on hearing that.

"Okay if that is the bad news then what is the good news." Simon asked.

"The surgery was long and risky and we almost lost her a few times. The recovery process will be long but she will be okay." The doctor announced with and encouraging smile and they all sagged in relief.

Ryan felt himself start to cry again but those were happy tears. The doctor said more to her parents but he didn't catch any of it because he was too happy that God had answered his prayers and she had pulled through. Sophia pulled him in for a hug giggling in joy that her best friend was okay before the other boys piled in and they shared a group hug.

"Can we see her?" Ryan asked speaking for the first time since the doctor arrived.

"Yes you can but she has to be transferred first. She's in an induced coma to help her body heal so don't freak out when she doesn't wake up. Just know she's okay. I'll have a nurse come collect you when it's okay to see her." The doctor replied.

"Okay thank you doctor." Judith appreciated shaking his hand.

"You're welcome ma'am just doing my job. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go do  follow up on my patient." The doctor said excusing himself and he left.

Everyone sagged back in their seat relieved that Alanna was safe. It was definitely a miracle. Ryan couldn't wait to see her and make sure with his own eyes that she was safe but for now just knowing she was okay was enough to calm him from the nervous wreck he had been.


I know some of you may not like the fact that Ryan was crying the whole chapter but just because he's a guy doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings. So please no hate on the matter, the guy has been through enough. The next chapter is still in his POV so look out for it its coming soon.

As always. I Love You 3000

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