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Y/n groaned as she walked out off bed. "I'm too tired to go to work..." She said while grabbing her mug of coffee. She looked at the clock to see that she was almost late for work.

"Oh shit! I'm late, better get ready!" She rushed to change and sipped a large amount of coffee, but ended up making her cough it out instead. Y/n ran to the flower shop and made it in time. Panting,  she brought herself together and put on her uniform. "L/n-san, you're right on time again!" Her boss, Takahashi smiled sweetly, welcoming the girl. "Oh, sorry, I overslept again..." She rubbed the back of her neck. She put on her uniform and started working.

Customers came in and out with flowers in their hands, as Y/n watched them giving to their lovers. "Tch, stupid lovebirds" She teasingly said to a couple, as she handed them their flowers. The blushed and walked out of the shop.

'Why can't I have someone like that?'

"L/n-san!" Takahashi crept up on the (h/c) haired girl, making her squeak like a mouse. "Takahashi-san, you scared me... what is it?" The boss told her that her next task was throwing out some of the dead flowers. Y/n nodded and picked up the flowers from the bag in the employee's only room.

The girl opened the door and went to the dumpster. Finally she got to her destination and threw the trash into it. Y/n sighed as she heard sounds, meows from cats. She followed the sounds that led her to an alley way. She peaked her head to see, cats of course and Ichimatsu?!

"Ichi?" Her voice called out, the man felt shivers down his spine as he looked behind him. "What are you doing?" Trying to keep his cool, he pit on his dark pitch-black demeanor. "What do you think I'm doing here?" He sarcastically said handing the sardines to the cats. "Well, I was at work and I heard voices." She put her hands on her hips and swaying it around as the purple hoodie man blushed red. 'Why is she so hot?!'.

Y/n crouched down to get a better view of the cats. A particular cat caught her attention, a black cat with half opened eyes. "Hey, this little guy looks like you!" She pointed out, Ichimatsu looked at the tiny kitten and then to Y/n.

"Do you wanna feed it?" Y/n flinched at the question. She was stuttering a lot and Ichimatsu looked at her with a death glare. "S-sure, I w-wanna feed it!" Y/n let out her hand. He hummed and took her hand.

Meanwhile, his brothers were listening them, intensely. "What is doing?" The red one cried

"Are you ready for this?"


"OK, give me that"

The brothers faces turned red as soon as Ichimatsu said that.

"Please be gentle"

"He'll be gentle, don't worry."

"Erm.. feels so weird!"


"THAT'S IT NO S*X IN THE ALLEYWAYS ESPECIALLY NOT WITH MY PRECIOUS Y/N!?" Osomatsu suddenly jumped out of the edge of the alleyway with the others behind him. "What the fuck?!" Y/n shouted at them. "Y/n-chan, what did he do to you–" "we were just feeding cats!" Their faces were priceless as they heard her and saw the cats nuzzling to the (h/c) haired girl.

They apologized for the misunderstanding and started a small chat, which made Ichimatsu backed away. 'Why is Ichimatsu avoiding us?'. "Okay dudes, I need to get back to work, bye!" Y/n waved at them and made them nosebleeds. They were really falling over heels for this girl, even Totoko couldn't compete with that.

After hours of work, it was closing time. "Finally..." Y/n groaned as she cleaned the pots. Takahashi watched as the (e/c) eyed girl lifted the pots in place.


A voice called her name, she turned around to see it's the purple hooded man. "Oh, I-Ichimatsu, you almost scared me!" She gave him a worrying smile as he blushed more red than the eldest red hoodie.

"What's up?" She asked him confidently. He was stuttering and couldn't get the words out of his mouth. "Um... I was wondering if you want to go to a cat café tomorrow?" Y/n was surprised that Ichimatsu did the same thing as the first two brothers did but he didn't dragged her or a sudden visit, it was much more casual.

"Uh, I'll ask my boss, if I have an off day."

"Tomorrow's the weekend."

"Oh, alright..."

She quickly left her job for the day and wore her jacket. It has a koi fish imprint on it. "You like koi, huh?" Ichimatsu said out of the blue that made even me jumped and I'm the goddamn author of this book.

"Y-yeah?" Y/n asked hesitantly, she doesn't know what he'll do to her. Bit she trusted him and let out her breath. "And I heard you like cats?" "Isn't it already obvious?" Her face went red of embarrassment. Ichimatsu giggled at the (h/c)nette.

"Do you wanna walk home together?"

"I thought you never asked."

The both of them walked as the sunsets. It was nearing winter, it was cold. "Hey, Ichi– I mean Ichimatsu! Do you still remember the first time we play 100 lives?" The question shocked the purple man. He nodded, Y/n started to feel something about him. Something, romantic, perhaps?

"We never actually finished that game– oh look, we're here!"

"Well, see you later, Ichimatsu!" Y/n waved goodbye to her best friend. "Bye, Y/n-chan..." he waved a little at her. The girl giggled at him and closed her front door.

'You finally talked to her...' Ichimatsu was in his train of thought as he daydreamed that Y/n was actually his wife, what he didn't know that his brothers were watching intensely.

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