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"Uhm..." You stumbled on your words and fiddled with your hands. All of them were your friends, or as they stated before, "best friends".

You can't just choose one but it felt like, you had to.

You realized that Jyushimatsu was in it too. "Jyushi, aren't you in love with Homura?" You asked frantically. Jyushimatsu only shook his head and threw away the roses. "I love you more!" You were shocked, he chose you.

"Hey, Jyushimatsu!! This wasn't part of the plan!" Choromatsu pointed at him.

You took a deep breath and relaxed your hands. "Okay..." They all perked up and you came to your conclusion.

"You sure those aren't real flowers that you just threw away?" You asked him and looked at the yellow roses.

"Who is it?" Jyushimatsu jumped up-and-down. You only giggled, "You, obviously."

All of them were shocked, you chose the happiest brother. Instead of fighting Jyushimatsu, they congratulated him, it was very confusing. "We love him very much." Karamatsu told you and you finally understood.

"But how 'bout Homura?" You asked him. Jyushimatsu kept on saying the same thing as before. It finally dawned on you, after the girl he loved didn't came, he gave up on her.

"Now go do your "business", my good brother." Osomatsu purred and skipped away.

"Do what now?!"

"Jyushi, I'm better now!" You waved the baseball around.

The both of you were having a date at the baseball court, playing none other than, baseball.

"Home run!!" Jyushimatsu shouted as you giggled. It gave you the memory of first spending time together. It was a little bumpy at first but now you're used to it.

You never knew what happened to Jyushimatsu and Homura, everything just went on like nothing has happened between them. You really hoped that the two of them really did made up and it wasn't like you're trying to steal the brother from his ex lover.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Jyushimatsu hugged you from the back and you just giggled. "C'mon, let's go get ice cream. You like that, right?" His eyes sparkled and his already big grin grew bigger and nods profusely. "Alright, then."

Whilst walking to the store to bug ice cream, you felt something on your hand. It was Jyushimatsu's sleeve. 'What is he...?' Before you could think of anything further, he grasped your hand and sprinted to the store with you flopping in the wind.

"We're here!" He told you.

"Jyushi...maybe, try not to do that all of a sudden. I'm not Karamatsu, okay?" You punched bus shoulder and smiled.

"Alright!" He responded.

You smiled softly and kissed his cheek, "I love you."

A/n : hey, it's been a while. Yeah, I forgot this book existed and I haven't finished it. I'll be writing the other endings too if I have free time since school, so yeah. Thanks for reading.

We're All Best Friends || Osomatsu-san Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن