The Beginning of The Chaos

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        "I guess they're not coming today, thank god!" Chibita said. "Hmm? Who's not coming?" You asked. "O-oh, just some idjits. They usually cause trouble here, and not paying after they took a shot." "They sound like shit to me" you said, Chibita agreed with your statement. "Who are they anyway?" You asked again. "Oh, they're the Matsuno sextuplets. Damn idjits" you chocked on your water. "M-Matsuno?" "Yup, you know them?" He asked. "Uh... they used to be my classmates..." you said. "I see..." Chibita just stares straight to your eyes. "OI!! CHIBITA!" Someone shout out.

        You looked to your side, and it was the the Matsuno brothers. All six of them. "Oh crap, here their are. Prepare yourself or run away." Chibita said. "N-no it's fine I haven't seen them in years... hahaha" you exclaimed. "Hey, there's Y/n!" Osomatsu said. "Really? I thought she moved away" one them said, this one's wearing green. They sit down and you in the middle. 'Oh crap, I just said they're bullshit! What do I do now??' Thoughts spinning in your head.

        'Just accept the fact Y/n, you talk shit about them'
        You're sitting their right in the middle, your face turn flustered. 'Why did I said that?!' Everytime you look at them you just thought what you said. You bury your face into your arms. "Something wrong, Y/n-chan? You've been ignoring us all this time" the pink one said, you could tell that one is Todomatsu because of his red cheeks. "Yeah, I'm fine Todomatsu... I'm just thinking about something"

        You're finishing your second oden, as you finished gulped it down. Someone taps your shoulder, you look to your side it's, Choromatsu. "Hmm... what is it... uh... Choromatsu?" He hums. "Well, it's been a long time since we hangout with each other. Do you wanna hangout sometime with us?" The emphasis on us made you caught off guard. "Hey, burazza. Don't you make the first move!" The blue one said. 'Karamatsu? I see he has no frekles now, how come?' "Ah, you idjits are you done it's getting late!" Chibita shouted. "Oh yeah!" The yellow said with a smile. 'J-Jyushimatsu?! I thought he was the tough one!' Your memories became a blur, they all look so different back in high school except for Osomatsu.

        "Thank you for the food, OSOMATSUNII-SAN!!" The five brothers shouted. "Ack! W-why m-me?! I don't have any m-money y-yet!" As you heard that you slammed the counter making the others scared. "Here! I'll pay it!" "Yay, free food then-ouch!" Choromatsu slapped his drunk brother's head. "Sorry you have to pay for these NEETs." Chibita sigh. "Nah, it's fine. Just do it for my friends!" You smiled softly as the brothers faces became flushed and standing at their spots daydreaming. "Hey, you guys wanna go home or something?" They finally snapped out of their daydreaming state. "Ah yes, we should head back, burazzas. Do you wanna come my Karamatsu gir-" you saw Karamatsu's unconscious body (still alive) at ground after a punch to the stomach by Ichimatsu. "Shut your mouth, Shittymatsu!"

        "Well, we better get going! Does anybody wants to carry him?" They all look down at Karamatsu. "Nah, he'll be fine!" Osomatsu said drunkly. 'Wow, they could be really careless with their brothers too... yikes!' "Y/n-chan, where do you live anyway?" Todomatsu asked with his cute cat like smile. "Oh, there!" You pointed at your house. They all looked at it and looked at the traditional house just next to it, they all gasp in disbelief. "Wait, this is your house?" Todomatsu asked, you nodded. 'What's wrong? Do they think it's ugly?!' "Y-Y/n-chan, y-y-your" Choromatsu stuttered you hum. "WOO-HOOO!!!" Jyushimatsu jumps in excitement. 'Maybe he's still a little drunk'. "W-what's wrong?!" You panicked. Someone tapped your shoulder, it was Ichimatsu. "What's wrong, Ichi?" You looked at him making blush a little. "Your house is... next to... o-ours..." he mumbled.

        Your jaw dropped. "Well, I guess we're neighbors now!" You said while scratching your head. "We could see each other anytime! HAI!" Jyushimatsu hugging you tightly, you almost out of breath. "T-too t-tight ack!" "Woops, sorry about that!" He said still having that wide smile on his face.

        "Well, see you soon!" You waved at all of them (except for Karamatsu 'cause he's still passed out). "Bye, Y/n-chan!" They all said but not Ichimatsu, you noticed his uninterested expression. "Bye, Ichimatsu-kun!" You gave a soft smile, he was shocked to hear that and blush heavily. You close your front door. They all waited for you to closed the door, and gave Ichimatsu a jealous look.

        This is going to be good time isn't it? Living next to NEET demons...
Let The Chaos Begins
Hey Author-chan here! How's the chapter today? Is it fun? How's my grammar this time? Sorry if I put to much Ichimatsu x reader thing, but I have to admit all of them are my favorites! Ok maybe Totty a little. I swear this chapter is super short and there will be more of the others. I'm literally writing this at midnight.

And I really hope you enjoyed it. I just wanna give the light to my favorite anime ok

Bye! ありがと

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