Y/n Got a Job!

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Yawning could be heard in the house as the (h/c) haired girl walked out of her room and slammed herself back to the couch. Ah, Y/n I thought you're this responsible girl.

Well, since her days couldn't get any better, she forgot she doesn't have a job yet. "Shit, I don't have a job!" She said. But Y/n remembered Choromatsu was also searching for jobs.

She quickly get dressed make some coffee and just gulped it down, she even forgot to eat breakfast, and knocked on the door. This is first time she went to sextuplets house, without them telling you. She only remembered that Todomatsu used to wait for her to walk to school together.

The sliding door opened to reveal the dark one. "Ichi! Have you seen Choro-chan?" His heart skipped a beat after she said that. 'Choromatsunii-san? Are they dating already? I knew it...' He thinks to himself even though it's not true. "Hello? Ichimatsu? Matsuno?" Y/n waved her hands to get the attention of the young man, Ichimatsu finally snapped out and let her in.

"Choromatsunii-san is upstairs..." he sarcastically said, Y/n gave him the most sweetest smile she ever gave him and went upstairs.

"Choro-chan!" Y/n said but got the attention of Jyushimatsu. "Hey, Y/n-chan! What are you doing here?" He smiled. "You know what? Jyushi, do you have an actual job?" the girl asked sternly. Shivers went to his spine as he tried to say that he's a NEET. "How about you ask Choromatsunii-san and Totty instead!" He dilated his eyes, it's now sigh for her that the sunshine was uncomfortable and she thanked him and searched for Fappymatsu and Totty.

"Choro-chan! Todomatsu!" Y/n cried and got the attention of both men that she searched for. "Ah, Y/n-chan! When did you came?" "Uh... hello there Y/n! What are doing here?" Both were blushing madly. A dark aura started to surround the (h/c) haired girl and puts her hands onto the brothers shoulders, which didn't help, they just blushed more. "Do you have goddamn jobs?" She asked like she already asked 100th time already. "Well, I used to work at Sutaba. But then... they showed up..." the youngest said with a death glare at his brother next to him. "Ah, me? I'm searching for one. Why?" "I... need... a... fucking job..." She spoke in soft menacing voice.

"Well, let's search for jobs together! The two of us!" Todomatsu said without giving a fuck about his brother who is literally standing next to him. "Okay!" Y/n suddenly be jolting with joy and Jyushimatsu level of sunshine, that they found it cute.

"Later at 1 pm. It's too early!" Choromatsu checked the clock. You nod at him and rushed back to your house.

"Sweet bed, my sweet bed!" Y/n slammed her body to her soft bed. Oh man, don't be so lazy. You'll miss it. Oh...  she took a nap and snores were pretty loud. Jeez, just get to watch anime or something.

It's already 12 pm, you noticed it and quickly get off your bed and get ready. "I have a few more minutes before we meet up, I'll just sit couch and..." you fell asleep again. Dear Y/n, why do you have to bed this lazy in the very chapter?

Choromatsu and Todomatsu went to your house and knocked the door. *knock* *knock*, no answer. *knock* *knock* no answer as well. The brothers were starting to worry about their crush. "Totty, do you her number?" Choromatsu asked with an upside down 'V' frown. "I do!" Todomatsu cheerfully said.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice could be heard by the side of the call.

"Y/n-chan, we already at front door!" Todomatsu giggled gleefully.

"Oh shit, I forgot about you guys!" You cursed.

Choromatsu was really impatient now and just took the phone out if the pink two-faced demon and said "Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU?"

The door opened, "I'm here." You said while still on the phone in front of them. "Ah... s-sorry about t-that!" Choromatsu frantically apologized to you. You chuckled and locked your door.

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