Tate's laughter died down but I could hear the smile when he spoke again. "Don't worry about it, Dell. You're just fine as you are. We all love you because you're so cute. Sometimes you do things that are kind of immature and you say somewhat dumb things b—" Tate paused and my cheeks burned in embarrassment as he hesitated. "Where was I going with this?" He asked, sounding a little confused. I huffed, rolling onto my back. "You were supposed to be cheering me up but instead you just called me immature and dumb. And you were doing so well at first, too." I said, hoping that he didn't hear the embarrassment in my voice.

"Oh." He mumbled. "Whoops."


In the morning, I woke up and was uncertain when I had even managed to fall asleep because I couldn't remember dozing off.

A yawn left me as I rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth before I showered, glancing at myself in the mirror. I headed into my room after my shower and put on some undergarments, glad to see that I had enough time to get ready today when I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. School didn't start for another forty minutes. Yay me for being on schedule this morning!

I brushed out my long brown hair after I put on undergarments and did the little makeup that I always did, setting my hairbrush on top of my dresser when I finished. After I headed into my closet and pulled on a light blue dress with a cute bumblebee pattern, I looked at myself in the mirror to see how it looked on me. It clung to my curvy waist and the top was tight on my bust, with the skirt flowing freely and gently around my thick thighs. For a dress that I had simply gotten on a whim without trying it on first, I actually really liked how it looked on me. And thank goodness that it's the right size, since I always get stuff either too big or too small for me.

I put on a pair of white sandals and grabbed my backpack, putting on deodorant and a little perfume before I made my way to the kitchen. It was a good thing I had time to eat breakfast today or I'd be stuck eating something on my walk to school. I decided to make myself waffles, which I buttered and then practically drenched with syrup. For me, the sweeter the better. I had a serious sweet tooth. However, even I had a limit as to how much sweetness I could handle.

After I had breakfast and cleaned up my mess, I left and began my walk to school, making sure to lock up the house before I left. The walk was quiet and peaceful, filled with the sound of quiet passing cars and distant chirping of birds.

Finally I arrived at school after my twenty minute walk and sighed in relief, heading in by myself. I wasn't paying attention again when I opened the door and, just like yesterday morning, I felt it smack against something hard. Wondering if someone had the other door open, I poked my head around and froze as a familiar pair of blue eyes glared down at me. It felt like I was just having deja vu but I knew this had happened yesterday, and I knew it was happening right now too.

My eyes were wide as I stared at him, wondering how it was possible that I had hit him two days in a row with the door. Why was he seemingly always right there? "S-Sor—" I went to apologize in a hurry, stammering, but he sneered at me. "You keep slamming that door into my face and I won't be so nice anymore." He cut me off, snapping at me with an angry look on his face. I cringed away, feeling guilty, and ducked my head down as he shoved past me. "God," He grumbled under his breath, shooting me a glare as he walked past me into the school. "Can't even open a door." He muttered.

I waited until he was a little bit away before I hurried after him, wanting to apologize properly. "W-Wait!" I called after him as I power walked towards him, hearing the door slam shut behind me. He must've not heard me because he just kept walking. I quickened my pace and reached out a hand when I was close enough, gently grabbing him by the sleeve of his shirt to stop him from leaving. His head snapped over to me and I reared back when I saw the dirty glare he gave me, wondering if I should just be quiet and leave him alone. "What?" He huffed, yanking his arm away from me. My hand fell to my side and I peered up at him, taking a single step closer. "I just wanted to apologize. I really didn't mean t—"

The unnamed boy cut me off again. "Look, bubbles," He began, the nickname making my brows furrow. He paid my confused face no mind and kept on talking. "I don't care. Just stop fucking hitting me with the door." He huffed, rolling his eyes. He went to leave but I quickly followed him, having to power walk by his side just to keep up with him. "You do remember me this time!" I exclaimed stupidly, causing him to look over at me and narrow his eyes. He looked annoyed with my presence.

"Barely," He grunted. "It's easy to forget about childish girls like you."

His words hurt my feelings, but I kept walking next to him. "C-Childish?" I whispered to myself, embarrassed to think that he thought I was childish. "Is this because of the fruit snacks you saw me eating?" I asked, causing him to glance down at me.

"No. This is because you look like a baby, or something." He said flatly, pausing for a moment. "And maybe because of those weird scooby doo fruit snacks, and how defensive you got over them, like a kid." He added. I felt like I could just die of embarrassment on the spot.

"U-Um.." I cleared my throat and stepped in front of him. It wasn't until I turned and looked at him that I truly realized how tall he was, coming face to face with his broad chest. I blinked and tilted my head up to look at him, my eyes widening. I'd never seen someone this tall in person before! "What? You just gonna stare at me or do you have something to say?" He griped, blue eyes twinkling with annoyance.

I cleared my throat and shook my head, trying my best to not focus on his features when I realized how handsome he was. His lips were full and pink and he had a sharp jaw that was littered with stubble, brown roots showing a little through his messy platinum blonde hair. He was very attractive. I think I might have definitely lied to Tate about being the more attractive one. Darn it!

"Well, I just..." I felt my cheeks warm at the feeling of his eyes on my face. I wasn't embarrassed, just flustered that someone so handsome was even looking at me. "My name's Delilah!" I squeaked out, peering up at him.

The boy eyed me for a minute, a deep frown on his lips. "Really? That's nice. See you later." He said disinterestedly, going to take a step around me. I blinked and gently grabbed his wrist before I could tell myself not to. "Wait!" I gasped, flinching away when he scowled at me. "Sorry. I just was wondering what your name is." I admitted, and he paused. This time, he seemed to genuinely be considering the question and whether or not he wanted to respond. I heard the bell ring and students began shoving to get to first period, making me gasp.

His eyes flew away from mine and then landed on me again. "It's Luke." He said simply. I opened my mouth to respond, but he turned around and left.

Wicked Temptation / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now