The Journal of Travis Stoll

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Hi! I'm finally uploading again. My updates will be way more random and spaced out, now that I'm back to in-person school, my schedule is CRAZY.

Anyways, this is inspired by the letters Maxon gives America in the third book of The Selection Series (The One).

Katie is sent on a 3 day long quest. Travis and Katie are dating, but they have always been so used to being at camp with each other everyday and Travis begins to realize how deep his feelings go for Katie. Again, this is inspired by Maxon's letters, so in some ways they will be similar :)

JUNE 15 - 1:30 P.M. - HERMES CABIN 

Dear Katie,

I feel stupid writing this. But I'm not one of those people who can simply tell someone else how they feel, so I thought I would feel better writing to you something I hope you'll never see (it's just too embarrassing). You left a few hours ago, and I can't help but feel so lonely. I think Connor has noticed, but I doubt he'll try to do anything about it until it lingers. I didn't realize I relied on you for so many things. I'm lost at who to talk to, who to annoy, who to whisper compliments to that I know they never believe. Camp is boring without you, Kates. I miss you. Come back to me, okay?



JUNE 15 - 9:50 P.M. - HERMES CABIN

Dear Katie-Kat,

Gods I wish we could have phones. I want to hear your voice, I want to know you're okay. Why am I so lost without you? Surely, before we started dating I had something to do besides cracking jokes and planning pranks. Right? If so, I've forgotten it. It's only been less than a day, though. Tomorrow I'll do something... anything to get my mind off you. What if you don't come home? I know if you were here, you would laugh and tell me to shut up and trust you, but you don't know what will happen. Holy Hera, what if I lose you? What if you die? I can't imagine your enthusiastic, determined, stunning green eyes drifting into cold lifelessness. Your skin pale, your soft lips parched and dry. Your glowing brown hair, reflecting the sun's light, drowning in the darkness. Great, now I'll cry myself to sleep. I can't believe you make me feel this way. Why did I ever want to date someone? This is so crappy.




Dear M'Lady Katie Gardner,

I'm sitting in your favorite place. Your favorite spot, to be exact. The exact part in the strawberry fields where you were sitting when I kissed you for the first time. If this isn't your favorite spot, I wonder what is. What could possibly beat the magic of that first kiss? Anyways, I woke up this morning untroubled. I walked to your cabin and asked Miranda to see you, when she reminded me you weren't there. It all came back to me, and I didn't make one joke during breakfast. I think I ruined the morning for my siblings. And now I'm here. I should be doing something. Maybe training. But since I last wrote, many campers have sensed my gloomy mood. They've invited me for activities I love to do with you, but I can't, knowing it won't be the same. It just won't. I need you to be here. When did I become so dependent on you? I'm sorry. It's just the way you make me feel... I can't explain it. The word is too scary. 


Your Favorite Stoll


Dear Katie,

I am sitting on the hill where you left. Forgive me, this will sound awfully cheesy, but every second that goes by another piece of my heart becomes dedicated to missing you. Your smile, your laugh, your evil grin that children of Demeter are not usually known to posses. I am nearing my second day without you. You are supposed to come home tomorrow night. If you don't, I have no idea what I will do. We've only been together 3 months, I realize that, but you are such a large part of my life now, Kates. I want to yell at you for making me so weak, yet if I could see your face, all I would do is hold it and stare into your brilliant eyes, full of life. I wonder if you felt this way when I went on my quest a couple of weeks ago. It was far smaller than yours, but still. Do you feel the same way about me that I do about you? Did only perhaps 30 hours without me drive you as crazy as it is driving me? I hope so, or this is embarrassing. But at the same time, I don't care.



JUNE 17 - 5:00 A.M. - HERMES CABIN

Dear Katie Gardner,

I woke up about one minute ago. Last night my dreams were only about you. Our future that I just realized I'm so hopeful for, our reunion later today, and the worst one of all: your sudden death. That was all it took to get me out of bed so fast and so early, to the doorstep of my cabin with paper and a pencil. I realized everything. As stupid as it is to barely be able to survive roughly a few days without you, it is also just what I feel. I hope I'm not clingy, but I realized something. Who knows when you'll find out, when I'll tell you. Maybe I'll just give you this letter? No, no way. Never mind.  Anyways, I love you. I am so in love with you. Just being separated from you creates this sickening pain in my stomach that has only gotten worse, and came only seconds after I watched your car drive from the safety of camp's borders. It has yet to be relieved. Even when Connor leaves, my worry is not this massive. Of course I feel nervous about him, but it seems to be a different kind. This is deeper, newer, scarier. I don't trust this feeling, but it's there and I refuse to ignore it. All I can say is how much I adore you, Katie. How much I love you. And I pray to all the gods (besides Aphrodite, let's let it come naturally) that you feel the same way.

I love you.


Travis Stoll 

hehe this is random but i love it for some reason? tbh travis probably isn't this romantic but we never know what's going on in his brain ;)

also, again, inspired by maxon who is a prince, so the writing is a little more profound in certain areas haha. 

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