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Heyy! This idea was given to me by (edit: DivergentDemiWolf. I tried tagging you but it wouldn't save ugh) 

 Thank you so much for the suggestion! This idea is super cute and I had a lot of fun writing it! Hope you enjoy!

Travis POV

I'm a disgrace to the Hermes cabin. Connor left for a quest two days ago, and we're already out of pranking supplies. Who knew my siblings would take advantage of the Stoll brothers' little break to use up everything? Not me, that's for sure. I was going to wait for Connor to get back so we could go steal- uh, I mean, "buy" more pranking equipment for Cabin 11.

However, the rest of the cabin was not too happy about waiting. Every single Hermes kid yelled in my face before I finally decided I would just sneak out of camp and do it myself. I only planned to be gone for an hour, so I didn't bother trying to come up with an excuse. What I didn't know was who would catch me.

I made my way through Connor and I's usual route for escaping camp: through the volleyball courts, around Thalia's tree, and over Half Blood Hill. No one was playing volleyball, and Peleus, the dragon who guards Thalia's tree, was sound asleep. I raced down Half Blood Hill, and looked behind me to see if anyone had followed. I sighed in relief, turned back around, and screamed.

In front of me, dangling upside down from a tree branch, was Katie Gardner. She hates me, because I prank her all the time, but I've secretly liked her for three years.

"Where are you headed, Stoll?" she asked. She used some weird Demeter kid magic to get the branch to flip her back onto the ground. She landed on her feet and crossed her arms, staring at me intently.

"Uh... nowhere." I replied. I'm the son of the god of lies, but when it comes to Katie, I can't seem to say or do anything. The lie of telling everyone I hate her is starting to tire me.

"You took the route you only go when you sneak out of camp," she observed, "and you have an empty backpack to fill with stolen items."

"How did you know it was empty?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "It's wide open, idiot!"

"Oh." I said. I swung the backpack off my shoulder and zipped it up. I looked back at Katie. "What are you here for, to stop me? Sorry Katie-Kat, that's impossible."

I walked past her and continued on. Then I stopped when I heard footsteps continuing behind me. I turned to see Katie walking back up to me casually.

"I'm coming with you." she said.

I began laughing. She narrowed her eyebrows at me, but I couldn't stop. When I finally collected myself, I managed, "Why would you want to come steal things with me?"

She shrugged. "To pay for it."

My face scrunched up in confusion and she continued, "I don't want you stealing from innocent mortals. Besides, if a monster attacks you, as much as I despise you... I don't want you to die."

Believe it or not, my heart fluttered. That was the nicest thing she had ever said to me.

Despite the butterflies in my stomach, I smirked. "Alright Kates. If you want to bankroll the Hermes cabin pranking supplies that will be used on you, you are welcome to come along."

Katie scoffed but walked alongside me.


We made it to the store, and I offered to steal everything, but Katie insisted on paying. The cost was $500, so I was about to just take it all and sprint out of the store, but Katie handed over her card.

Tratie One-ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя