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You felt someone tap your shoulder and you turned around

???: Hey Y/N I heard what you said and I believe you. I saw the fear in your eyes and terrified expression on your face. Btw I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon.

All of a sudden you heard the glass door leading outside break and the infected started attacking students. You got Namjoons hand and started pulling him. You lead him to the supply closet in the gym to get weapons.

I suddenly heard the glass door and break and as I turned my head, I felt someone pulling me and running toward the gym. I was confused as to why we stopped at the supply closets door until Y/N answered the thoughts of mine.

Y/N: Get something we need to protect ourselves from whatever they are.

As soon as you said that, Namjoon and you picked up a bat each. You started planning on where and what to do next.

Y/N: Okay so we know that we can't get out through the front door of the school. There is a huge chance of having tons those things there.

NJ: Yeah very true

Y/N: Let's head to the left side exit since it will be a less crowded place. My car is around there and we can drive out to find a place to stay for a bit as well as w. Let's go now.

You both took a deep breath before going out of the closet.

NJ: Hana Dul Set!

You both got out ready to swing at the monsters out there. As you ran towards the side of the school, you got attacked by one of them.


Before you got bit, someone whacked the zombie and smashed its head. You looked up and saw that it wasn't Namjoon instead it was your old best friend.

???: Y/N ARE YOU OKAY??!!

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, thank yo-

NJ: Um i think we better run

You turned your head just to see the monsters heading your way. You stood up quickly and started running up the stairs towards the roof and quickly closed the door.

Y/N: Anyway thanks for helping me Jin

You were out of breath until you heard someone in front of you clear their throat. You saw 2 other boys standing in front of you.

Who could those two be!!!! Anyway I hope you enjoy my first ff so far. I'll try posting the next episode in a bit

-Author Meow💜💜💜

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