Our Time With Maxwell

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I was overwhelmed with happiness. I have a son, my son. I adore every minute I see him. All Rose left was the baby bag with diapers and a folder but right now, Troy and I are going to go baby shopping. I don't know what I need to get but whatever my boy needs, he is getting.

I'll give Rose some space but I definitely need to find her. I know it's not easy to give up, Maxwell. She definitely grew a bond with him and I would love it if she could be part of his life, that's if she wants.

We stopped at Target first. Troy looked a bit overwhelmed himself but he looks so handsome holding Maxwell. We definitely need a baby seat for the car. Troy held him while I drove to Target but I know we can't be doing that.

"Babe, can you help me with Maxwell he is kind of heavy," I grabbed Maxwell who was wide awake while chewing on his hands. Troy shook his arm as I laughed.

"We are definitely getting a baby holder for one of us," I told him as he gave me a handsome smile. He grabbed a cart and we went to the baby section.

"Hmm, what do we need," I said out loud.

"First...a baby holder," Troy found one hanging. He put it around him. "Put Maxwell in here," I helped him carefully secure Maxwell. Maxwell giggled.

"How is my boy?" I squeezed his cheeks and he quickly grabbed my finger. "Ok, daddy needs his finger back," I couldn't be happier to see my baby's smile on his face.

We filled the cart with diapers, wipes, clothes, baby formula, bottles, a car seat, hmm I'll buy the crib later, he can sleep with us in the bed as I grabbed other essential baby items.

"Woah, babe this is going to be a fortune," Troy said. "Let me help you pay for half of it," he smiled at me as we waited in line. Suddenly baby Maxwell started crying. "Oh no, what do we do?" Troy's face got worried.

We reached the cashier as she chuckled. "The baby is hungry," as she giggled.

"Really?" I was curious about how she knew.

"Yes, I have a newborn and his cry is fussy like my son's so he is just hungry."

"Thank you," she sweetly smiled as I passed her the tag for the baby holder and paid for the other baby stuff. I grabbed a room temperature water as we exited Target.

"Babe, I wanted to help you," Troy said as he tried to calm Maxwell down.

"It's fine, you can love him and I'll be happy with that," he pouted as I kissed him on the lips. Maxwell was crying a river as we reached the car. I reached for the bag with the baby formula and bottles. I quickly rinsed the baby bottle and poured the amount of baby powder instructed into the bottle. I poured water and shook it. I gave the bottle to Troy as he placed it on Maxwell's tiny lips. He immediately started sucking on the bottle nipple.

Troy fed him as I put the bags in the trunk and secured the baby seat.

"He finished the bottle and now is asleep," I got closer to Troy as I rubbed Maxwell's blonde locks.

"He's beautiful isn't he," I glanced at Troy.

"Just like his father," his words made my stomach jolt. I kissed him as he smiled.

"Thank you for being here with us."

"Anything for you," he kissed me one more time as he sat in the backseat with Maxwell. I drove home as I already felt tired from today. I made two trips to the car to grab all the stuff we bought Maxwell. Troy laid Maxwell in our bed as he secured him with a bunch of pillows on his side.

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