Saving Troy 2.0

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I was peacefully sleeping in my bed when I was woken up from my phone vibrating on the dresser next to my bed. I was lying face down as I reached over and grabbed my phone. I turned around and laid on my pillow as I focused my sleepy eyes on the bright screen. It was Troy calling.

"Hello?" I was wide awake and concerned. I sat up as I rested my back on the headrest.

"Hey...hmm...Rowen...," he laughed as I heard him shut a door. "Can you come and get me, please. I'm pretty, let's just saw happy and I can't seem to focus," he kept laughing as I checked my phone at the time. It was fucken 3 in the morning.

I gasped. "Send me the address. I'll go pick you up," I hung up and immediately got a text from Troy with the address.

I quickly got up and changed into sweats and a hoodie. I grabbed my sneakers and headed out the door. Thankfully it wasn't far. What the hell was Troy doing around this area? It was dark and it looked deserted. I found his car parked. It was the only one in this area. I parked behind him as I slowly got out and walked towards his car.

I peeked inside his window and I saw he was passed out. Fuck. I panicked and quickly opened his door. Thankfully it was unlocked. I touched his neck just to make sure he was, you know, breathing. He was breathing. "Espian, don't leave me," I heard him stutter. I pulled him up and slowly pulled him out of the car. He was waking up.

"Troy, wake up man. I need your help," I shook him as his eyes opened a bit. He laughed as he slowly woke up.

"You're here, my prince," he slowly stood as he tried to keep his balance. I stood near to help him. His eyes were glossy as he smirked at me. "You look hot," he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Let me kiss those big lips," he leaned towards my lips but I moved. "You're no fun," as he gripped my chin and forcefully made me kiss him. "Mmmm," I kept my eyes open as I didn't kiss him back.

Ok, this is not Troy. I pushed him away and held his arms down. "Stop it!" he laughed and pouted his lips.

"Kinky, I love a man in control," I closed my eyes in disappointment. Troy was on something.

"Troy, let's go. I'm taking you back to my place," I locked his car and pulled him towards my car.

"Yes daddy, anything for you," what the fuck, daddy?

He laughed but he listened. He got into the passenger seat as I got into the driver's seat. I quickly drove off before cops came around this area. I stopped at a light when I saw Troy's hand go towards my crotch. The light went green as I pushed on the gas. He moved the waistband of my sweats and dipped his hand inside. Fuck, how do I stop him? I'm driving and I don't want to fucken crash. He grabbed my cock and squeezed it. "Troy, come on man behave. I'm driving," well that certainly did stop him. He kept stroking and my cock started getting hard. His soft hands knew how to stroke.

"Hmm, I think someone is waking up," I saw his head lean over as he took my shaft out of my sweats. I felt his warm tongue go around the tip of my shaft.

I closed my eyes because I'm not going to lie, his tongue felt great on my cock. I went into the first street and parked my car. I pulled his head up and put my shaft inside my sweatpants again. My dick twitched. "Troy, I need you to control yourself. Let me get you back to my place so you can go to sleep," he sat back into the passenger seat but with a whole different attitude. His face looked pissed.

"You ok?" I asked quietly.

"JUST GO!" He yelled as I jolted up.

His demeanor changed but I got us home safely. I opened the door for him. He quickly walked inside. I thought about it for a second and Troy is the only other guy I've brought back to my condo. I was going to sell it but it held too many memories of Dominick that I ended up keeping it.

Saving Casanova: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now