His Birth

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I woke up and slowly sat up. I rubbed my eyes as I looked at the time. It was almost 10 in the morning. I felt a slight headache and I remembered it was all the wine we drank last night. James and Virginia were so welcoming. Dinner was great as we had a great time. I admired James for being so positive with life. He lost his complete family and he still manages to keep a perfect smile.

Troy seemed to have opened up so much after he found out the baby's name. He was laughing and would sneak winks at me. I know it's been difficult for him to open up but I felt he got back a piece of what he was missing. We finally managed to leave and come back safely to the hotel. He didn't want to sleep in the same bed as me and I respected his decision. I told him I would sleep on the couch but he insisted I take the bed. The room was chilly as I got out of bed and put on a sweater. I walked in the living room and I noticed his blanket was nicely folded. I started to panic when I saw a note left on the table next to the couch.

"Hey, Rowen. I came to the cemetery. I'll be back soon."

I quickly got dressed and headed to the cemetery. I got dropped off as the cold air made my shiver. I walked towards Espian's grave and saw Troy sitting. He stared at his grave as he held his legs together. I slowly walked up as he lifted his head. His eyes were watery.

I sat next to him as I put my arm around him. He buried his face on my chest as he cried. "Hey, I know it's hard but look at the bright side. He is going to be born again," he sniffled as he lifted his head up. I gazed into his gray eyes as tears came pouring down his cheeks.

"I know and I know I've been a burden with all my emotions, he made me a better person. I just miss him," he laid his head on my shoulder. I wanted to tell him I was here for him but I'll let him sort his feelings. I don't want to pressure him into anything he doesn't want to do.

"I know it's hard to say goodbye but like I said before, that pain will never leave. It will linger inside you until you're ready to let go. I still feel the loss of Dominick. I'm still not ready to let him go," I stared at Espian's name as I felt him take a deep breath.

"What's holding you back?" He asked as he snuggled closer to me.

"I'm still trying to figure that out, that's why I've been going on dates but I'm not sure I have the patience for dating," he chuckled as he made me smile.

"I hear ya," he wiped his nose as he stood up. He helped me up but I didn't balance correctly. My feet twisted and I fell on top of him. "Ahh Crap," he started to laugh as his pleasant laughter was contagious. He slowly held my waist as I felt him pull me towards him. His smile slowly disappeared as we both gazed into each other's eyes. He glanced at my lips as a tiny smile appeared on his lips.

I slowly leaned towards him. I was close to his lips when a couple of birds started to poke at us. "What the hell!" I looked up and it was some damn crows that glared at us from the top of the tree.

"Maybe we should leave before we get eaten alive," I glanced at Troy who still had my waist held. He chuckled as I got off him. I helped up him up.

"You're a bit dramatic," I smirked at him as I cleaned some leaves off my jacket. When suddenly we saw them dive at us. We ran quickly towards the exit. I heard him laugh as we finally reached the front gate.

"Haha," I was trying to catch my breath. "Ohh man that was scary," I was breathing hard as I glanced at Troy who was also catching his breath.

"I'm hungry. We should get some breakfast," his phone started ringing as he took it out of his pockets.

"Hey, James....," He answered.

"What?! Really?!" His eyes widen as a smile formed on his face.

"Ok, we are on our way," he hung up as a grin was formed on his lips. "Virginia is in labor, Baby Espian is about to be born, let's go," he wrapped his arms around my neck. He pulled away as we gazed into each other's eyes once more. A gentle breeze went into us. I closed my eyes as I felt a warm welcome. He pulled away as he ordered an Uber to the hospital.

It didn't take us long to get to the hospital. Troy asked where the maternity ward was and they told us to sit in the waiting room.

James came into the waiting room, he was wearing some green scrubs. "Hey, I'm glad you guys made it, a nurse told me someone was here and I assumed it was you two. She hasn't dilated yet but baby Espian is almost here," I saw his eyes get watery but a smile was still on his face, this poor man lost his family but now is given another hope for life.

"Ok, I'll come to get you two when he is born. Thank you for coming," he quickly left as I turned to Troy.

"Hungry," I chuckled.

"Yeah let's get some breakfast here in the cafeteria," we both headed to the cafeteria. It wasn't the best breakfast but it will do.

A couple of hours later and we were still in the waiting room. Troy had his head on my shoulder as he snored quietly.

"Hey guys," James walked in with a huge grin. I think it was midday already.

"Baby Espian is born, the doctors gave us a few minutes so you can see him," I think he was crying from being overjoyed.

Troy quickly woke up as we headed to the room Virginia was in. Troy was quiet as I knew his mind is probably going a million miles per hour.

We approached a small room as James walked in first. We followed as Virginia had a motherly glow to her. She had under eye bags but with a huge grin. Her green eyes were glossy as she held a tiny baby in her arms. Troy floated behind me as I know his mind was full of excitement and sadness.

"Troy, honey, come say hi to Baby Espian," Virginia's sweet voice enlightened the room. James stood by her as he held her arm.

Troy came out from behind me as he slowly walked towards the bed. He glanced at me as his eyes were puffy and red.

I got closer as I stood behind Troy. Baby Espian was so cute. He had golden locks that curled. He was so tiny as he was bundled like a little burrito. His face scrunched up as he began to cry. "Ohh my little Espian," Virginia kissed his forehead but he continued to cry.

She thought for a moment and glanced at Troy. "Would you like to hold him?" She smiled as Troy's face turned white.

"I don't know how to hold a baby," I know he was nervous. Baby Espian continued to cry.

"Just grab his little head and then cradle him in your arms," she slowly moved baby Espian towards Troy. He reacted quickly and did what Virginia told him to do. He looked so handsome holding baby Espian.

Suddenly baby Espian stopped crying. Troy glanced around me and smiled. "He stopped crying," he stuttered as I saw some tears come down his cheeks.

"Well he knows who cared for him," Virginia said.

"Hey baby Espian, welcome to the world. I'm going to protect you starting now," Troy kissed baby Espian's cheeks.

"Virginia and I decided to make you his godfather if you don't mind," James asked Troy as he lifted his surprised face.

"Of course not, I'm going to spoil him, starting now, right baby Espian?" I got closer as baby Espian was sound asleep.

"Isn't it great to become a dad?" I said it close to Troy's ear.

He glanced at me with a grin on his face.

"It's the best feeling ever," James said.

This is what I want, a family.

I just need a partner.


Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't want to add new scenes but I hoped you liked it.

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