The tragity of megatrons middle school class

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Megatron: did anyone else have the one kid in their class that was super annoying?

Me: yep. his name was bridge

Megatron: the kid in my class was galaxy

Me: tell me about'em

Megatron: she was the most annoying kid in the universe I swear!

Me: aaaaand...

Megatron: she was so stupid! And she thoroughly beloved I liked her! Heck, she was naive (did I spell that right?) about everything!

Me: did they ever find her body?

Megatron: no. They all think she moved away.

Me: I'm guessing she spread rumors about you as well?

Megatron: yeah! She got everybody to bully me all year! Oh, and no one found their bodies either... wait how did you know?

Me: I grew up with people who never finish their sentences

Megatron: I see

Enigma: *randomly comes in* woo hoo! I finally-...

Me: have a life

Enigma: O.o... Bish u a mind reader?



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