"Gooooooood morning, (Y/N)!! Do you remember what day it is today?" She asked excitedly,

"Friday and the day we are going to the music festival? *yawn*" I answered tiredly,

"Thaaat's right! The music festival is todayyyyy!" Mayday hopped off of me and ran around the room repeating 'today is the day.' I got up and looked over to Zuke seeing him give an apologetic smile to me, I smiled back but in a more light-hearted tone.

"Well then what are we waiting for guys?! Let's gooo!" Mayday yelled happily, already climbing up the sewers ladder. I quickly got my shoes on and grabbed my bass then followed Zuke up the ladder to catch up with May.

When me and Zuke reach the surface and closed the manhole we see barely able to stand still, making us both chuckle before running after May as she sprinted down the sidewalk.

-----Timeskip to 30 minutes later-----

It was now 11:54 AM, and we just made it to the entrance of the music festival. It took a lot of running and a small train ride to get here, but we made it before noon! Although I don't exactly remember why we had to be here before noon but oh well. We walked up to the concession stand and hold up our IDs to the counter lady, she nodded her head after examining them thoroughly then pressed a button that opened the small gate in front of us. We walked in as the counter lady bids us good luck on our performance.

Only a few steps in and Mayday is already fawning at all of the music culture this festival brings, mostly the rock genres but she fawned at the others too, all me and Zuke did was follow Mayday around as she practically dragged us to nearly each booth she saw. I can now see why May was so excited to come here, this event looks awesome! 

I sight see other booths we pass by and something caught my eye, making me stop dead in my tracks, Zuke noticed this and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing is wrong, its just-" I pause trying to maneuver my head around the booth blocking it to see it again, but I have no luck in doing so due to my short height, "-something caught my interest, but I can't seem to find it anymore."

Zuke being much taller than me, looked in the same direction, however without knowing what it was that caught my eyes, he had no luck either. 




Something must have been pretty interesting to catch (Y/N)'s eye I know that for sure, she has a good eye for unique things, she even admires Eve for her artistic perception of the world. An idea popped into my head but I am not sure if (Y/N) would like it...It involved me picking her up and holding her high enough to wear she could see what she wanted to see. The only problem I have with it is that (Y/N) is sensitive about how short she is.

She is only at the same level as my chest, which is worrying when we are in a large crowd and we had lost her in it. I looked towards May's direction to see her at a booth selling old Kul Fyra merch, that should keep her occupied for a while. Alright, here goes nothing.

I placed my hands onto her waist from behind and picked her up, making her yelp and grab my hands, then looking back at me with a shocked face, I gave her a reassuring smile to try and calm her nerves. I nod my head over to the direction she was looking back at originally, slowly lifting her up higher to give her a better view of it.

"There it is!" she exclaimed and pointed to where it was, I looked over to see it was a plush axolotl. That's right! I forgot she adored axolotl's, and to see a plush of one probably melted her heart right then and there. I chuckled gently putting her down onto the ground again.

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