✧ 25 || And its Plans ✧

106 9 48

Tobio Kageyama's POV

"Kiss him."

And when those words finally struck me, it felt as though the world was zooming out on itself. I stood there, my jaw almost ready to detach, the thoughts in my mind threatening to rip my brain to shreds, everything rippling before my eyes like I was watching each moment through its reflection in water.



He sighed and looked away. "I don't like repeating myself. I know you heard what I said."

He was right. I heard exactly what he said. He asked me to do the one thing that I had been dying to do.

Kiss him.

But of course, the universe couldn't be that simple. It would be nice to kiss him, but there was so much to think about. Would he want it too? What if he thinks I'm weird? Would it ruin our friendship? How am I supposed to go about this?

No, no, no. Why am I thinking about it like I'm going to actually to do it?

That's ridiculous.

I would never—

"Hurry up with your decision, King. Unlike you, some of us don't have all day, Your Highness."

My blood boiled at the sound of his voice, and in that moment, I was ready to do anything to get him to stop calling me that. Even if that meant kissing Hinata.

"Fine! I'll do it!"

Because of my uncontrollable anger, the words slipped out faster than I could stop them. When the bitter wave of regret washed over me, I knew that I had fucked up. Incredibly.

Tsukishima looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "You will?" he asked as if he wasn't the one giving me this hellish task.



"Hurry the fuck up, King."

"Yes! Yes, I'll do it!"

I looked at the ground and clenched my hands into fists. "I'll do it," I mumbled to myself a second time, this time trying to convince myself more than him.

This is my moment.

"So? What are you waiting for?"

Instinctively, I looked up with a glare. That didn't change the fact that I could feel my nerves build up in the pit of my stomach.

I turned away without thinking, quickly realizing that I had no plan. Too late for that. I kept walking towards Hinata, my nerves doubling as I saw the cute smile on his face when he talked to Sugawara.

"Hey," I whispered, almost out of breath. I could barely get anything past my lips. Get it together, Tobio.

"Hey!" I yelled, cringing at how my voice wavered. "Hey, dumbass!"

Nice one, Tobio.

I wanted to facepalm but couldn't. Not because of my own honour, but because I ended up stumbling over my own foot.

What the literal fuck am I doing?

I was aware of the intense blush that painted itself across my face because I could feel the heat of it burning my skin. My mind felt completely empty even though it was filled to the brim with thoughts and worries. Everything was spinning and nothing made sense.

Just THINK, Tobio.

But I couldn't. Definitely not with the aggressive pounds of my heart, or with the butterflies in my stomach.

I forced myself to take a deep breath in and with what little determination I had remaining, I walked over to the confused Hinata.

"Huh? What's wrong?" He tilted his head to the side, concern embedded in his expression.

Stop doing that, dammit. Why are you trying to kill me—


What does someone do when they are about to kiss someone?

Fuck it.

And with that, I cupped his cheek in my hand and placed the other on his back. I closed my eyes and immediately leaned forward to press my lips against his.

The universe that seemed to be against me paused that very instant.

The soft touch of his lips against mine, the shivers that ran down my spine, the adrenaline that coursed through my veins, it was all so perfect. The moment seemed to have been over in a second, because all I did was press my lips to his, but who knew a second could feel like a lifetime.

I pulled away gently, as if careful to not shatter the moment. My breath was caught in my chest as I looked into his shocked eyes.


"What... the fuck—"

With unforgiving anger, he sandwiched my face with his hands and pulled me down to his height. He yanked me forward.

His lips struck mine once again, but this time it was different. It wasn't with love, it was with pure anger.

He pulled away with the same aggression and looked me straight in eyes with an angry frown.

And on the top of his damn lungs, he yelled, "CONSENT IS A THING, DUMMY!"

I was completely frozen in place.

I barely realized that Hinata had stormed off because of the shock that struck me.

"Did..." The voice seemed to belong to Sugawara. "Did he just kiss you in revenge?"



Anyways, I was planning on naming this chapter "Hypocrisy" because I thought it fit really well but I also really like "The Universe and its Plans" so I stuck with that.

Anyways, if you liked this chapter, feel free to vote! Remember kiddos,

Consent is sexy.

And Kageyama is going to learn that lesson soon (as well as Hinata)

With love,

✧ With Love ✧ || A Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now