✧ 9 || Unloved ✧

195 18 35

Hitoka Yachi's POV

I twirled my pencil in my hand as I worked on my math homework. I was sitting at the dining table, the sound of the TV adding some background noise to my work. My mother doesn't like me listening to music when I'm doing homework.

My mother had her friend over for a bit, and so he kept flipping through channels on the TV, grumbling about how there wasn't anything interesting to watch. I didn't mind, though. It would be wrong to do so.

I stopped twirling my pencil when I saw mother walk in, knowing she didn't like me playing around when I work. Her friend had stopped on the local news channel. My mother had brought in snacks for her friend, and she placed it on the table as she sat down.

I heard something about gay rights being discussed, and instantly I was interested in what their reactions were. My mother hadn't talked about this topic with me, and so I was curious as to what her stance was. Perhaps I could tell her about me being bisexual...

Please don't be homophobic. Please don't be homophobic. Please don't be homophobic.

"Oh, wow. They're all over the place, aren't they?" Her friend was the first to speak. "It's absolutely revolting though. A sacred relationship like that should be between a man and a woman," he grumbled.

I didn't really care about what he thought, though. My attention was on what my mother would say next.


One word.

It took her only one word to make my world come crashing down.


I looked over at Yamaguchi as we walked. He looked... better. Happier. Perhaps it was because he cried and talked about his problems. He still didn't speak much, though, which seemed unusual because he always had something to talk about.

"Do you feel better now?" I asked, hoping it would prompt conversation.

"Oh, uh." He slipped in a nervous chuckle before saying, "yeah, I guess so. Thanks."

"No problem!" I said with a bright smile. I was glad to help someone. Helping people felt like the purpose of my existence, anyways.

"But uh... I need your help..." I started. I hated saying that. I didn't like asking for help from other people. My mother always told me to be independent and to never ask for help.

"Yeah? What is it?"

I looked down at the ground, ashamed. "Well, this is a very serious matter, so I understand if you don't want to help me with it. And I'm very sorry in advance."

"Oh. That's fine."

We walked in silence for a moment as I tried to gather the words I needed to ask him the question.

"I trust you to not judge me for this, which is why I'm asking you... but it's alright if you don't want to do it! I mean-"

"Hey!" He interrupted my apology. "It's fine, really. I'll let you know if it crosses my boundaries, alright?"

I nodded and took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm... dating Kiyoko."

He looked at me with a huge smile. "Really? Congrats! When did this happen?"

I couldn't help but smile back at him. That was the reaction I was hoping for, and he gave it to me without any hesitation. He truly was a good friend. I wondered about why Tsukishima treated him that way...

"Just a month ago. We decided not to tell anyone until we were ready."

"Oh wow, that's amazing!"

"Yeah... I asked her about what I'm going to be talking about with you beforehand. So just know that we both know about this."

"Oh... okay. What is it?"

"Is it... perhaps... alright if you could-" I stopped myself and cringed for a moment before continuing. "If you could fake date me as a coverup!" I blurted out.


My heart dropped. "I know! It's a very big favour and you don't have to say yes but I was thinking that maybe it could help the two of us because it could be a coverup for you too! If you wanna date someone that is... Wait! I just assumed that you swing that way! Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It doesn't matter about who you love! All that matters is that you love them with all of your heart! And now I'm getting sidetracked... What I'm trying to say is-"

"Hey!" Yamaguchi finally cut me off. He was waving his arms in the air as he tried to calm me down. "It's alright! I was just... shocked."

"Ah, yeah," I said with a nervous chuckle as I scratched the back of my head, "that's understandable. Just know that you don't have to say yes! I'm fine with whatever-"

"Yes. I'll do it."

Even though I was hoping for that answer, it still shocked me. I knew my shock was written all over my face, but I couldn't help it.

He gave me a smile, but it was a bitter one.

"It's not like anyone loves me, anyways."


My apologies for the short chapter! This part was meant to be written in the last chapter in Yamaguchi's POV but I decided to make it a chapter of its own. I hope you guys liked it, though!

I chose First Date for this part because I couldn't really find a song that fit this chapter so I decided to go with some lo-fi!

I low-key really like Yamayachi because it's such a cute ship!! But I love Tsukkiyama more so...

Anyways, if you liked this part, feel free to vote! Remember to take care of yourselves!

With love,

✧ With Love ✧ || A Haikyuu FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora