✧ 24 || The Universe ✧

94 10 42

Tobio Kageyama's POV

"Come on, Bakayama!"

My eyes shot up threateningly as I finished tying my shoes. "I said wait, dumbass."

It had been more than a week since Hinata had played volleyball. And even though I was irritated at his repetitive requests, I couldn't wait to play with him either.

He groaned. "It's like you're purposely taking so long to tie your stupid shoes."

"I swear, one more word and Sugawara will be setting for you instead," I said through my gritted teeth. God, why did I fall for such a moron.

"Wait no! I'll be quiet, I promise."

"Ouch?" came from behind me. Sugawara chuckled when we both looked at him. "I'm kidding. I'm glad you two can finally play together," he said in a soft tone.

And suddenly, every bit of my anger had evaporated. The fact that I was finally going to play with him after so long made my heart swell. I was finally going to feel the pride, joy, and excitement of standing on court with the person I loved. It felt so refreshing to be reminded of it all again.

"What are you grinning at, Bakayama?"

And like that, every bit of love I felt in that moment vanished, replaced with pure anger.

"I swear to god, Hinata—"

"Hey, King!" a familiar voice called.

It was as if the universe didn't want me to have a second of joy and peace. A glare instantly coated my gaze as I looked up at that salty beanpole.

"What?" I snapped.

He glanced at the entrance of the gym behind him for some odd reason before looking at me. "Get over here."

I scrunched my face. "What makes you think I'll listen to you?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He must have been very desperate because he sighed and uttered a single word that I never thought I would hear from him.


I raised an eyebrow and looked at Sugawara. His expression of shock was able to confirm that this indeed happened.

"Uh... wow, okay then."

"Rude," Hinata said with a frown. He looked over at Sugawara. "Could you set for me then?"

Sugawara glanced at me and gave him a clearly forced smile. "Sure!"

Does he feel bad? But... why? I shrugged off the thought and walked over to the entrance where Tsukishima stood. "Yeah?"

He pushed up his glasses with his elbow resting in his other hand. His hand covered his face as he said, "do you want me to stop calling you King?"

Holy shit. I furrowed my eyebrows with genuine concern. "Are you... okay?"

"Shut it, blueberry."

Never mind. I rolled my eyes. "Well yeah, obviously?" Is he seriously going to stop?

"Then let's make a deal." He removed his hand from his face, and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Kiss Hinata."



My original plan was to include the kiss in this chapter but I've already rushed it enough, you guys don't deserve to see such a huge plot point rushed. I promise you that it will be worth it in the end! Also, the name of this chapter and the next one are supposed to be connected, because the next chapter's name doesn't make sense on its own.

Also, I will be going back to school soon, meaning that the updates will be messy. I might update in the mornings (over here) sometimes, and other times I might update late at night. Thank you for understanding!

If you liked this part, feel free to vote! Take care everyone!

With love,

✧ With Love ✧ || A Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now