Twenty-Six: The Crystal

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"You thinking of naming it?" Yoongi asked Beomgyu as the two sat in the waiting room. It had been several minutes since the two settled down, and neither Mabsuli blood had emerged from Wooyoung's office yet. The last few minutes had been spent in a tense silence between the two newcomers, with Yoongi mindlessly picking at his nails and glancing over at Beomgyu, whose leg was bouncing as he tossed his new cat plush up and down. Yoongi didn't like seeing him so on edge, and he was desperate to break the silence and distract him from whatever was going on back in the office.

Beomgyu paused. "I haven't really thought about it," he said.

"So you're just gonna let it be nameless? You're cruel, Beomgyu."

"Shut up," Beomgyu said, rolling his eyes with a ghost of a smile on his lips. Yoongi chuckled and nudged him.

"I'm just saying, I'm sure your cat will appreciate having a name." Beomgyu thought about it.

"Yeonbin," he decided. Yoongi blinked.

"Like your..." He hesitated, not wanting to upset him.

"Like my brothers? Yes." Beomgyu nodded, unconsciously clutching the cat closer. "I mean, it smells like a combination of them, so a combination of their names seemed appropriate. Besides, it has a nice ring to it, don't 'cha think?" He smiled, but Yoongi could see the underlying sadness behind his sparkling eyes.

"It does," Yoongi agreed, reaching out and gently taking his hand. Beomgyu's smile turned into one that was more sad as he tightened his grip, knowing Yoongi was showing comfort the best way he knew how. And Beomgyu appreciated it. He really did.

"Sorry about that..."

At the sound of San's voice, Beomgyu immediately shot up and whirled around. His eyes were slightly red, apologetic smile wavering as he kept his gaze mostly on his feet. Right beside him was Wooyoung, who kept a gentle hand on his boyfriend's back as they walked into the waiting room. "Are you okay?" Beomgyu asked. San chuckled, but not the bright laugh he had moments before.

"Yeah, I'm fine, kid," he said, ruffling Beomgyu's hair lightly. "Just a casual mental breakdown, nothing much."

Wooyoung smacked him across the head. "There is nothing casual about that," he scolded as San pouted and rubbed at the now sore spot on his head. Wooyoung then turned to Beomgyu and smiled sadly. "Let's just say that act is a sore subject for him."

"We don't have to talk about it," Yoongi interjected. San gave a relieved smile.

"I'd appreciate that," he said. Yoongi offered a smile of his own.

"I have some work to be done, so I gotta scurry," Wooyoung said. "It was nice meeting you guys. Feel free to stop by anytime."

"Thanks, Wooyoung," Beomgyu said with a smile, holding Yeonbin closer. Wooyoung smiled at the action.

"Of course, Beomgyu. Take care, you guys!" With a wave and a tender kiss on San's forehead, Wooyoung walked back down the hall and disappeared from view.

"You sure you're okay?" a red-haired doctor with round glasses asked from behind the reception desk. San smiled at him.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Mingi, I'm okay." He walked behind the desk and nudged Mingi's shoulder. "Now go back to making out with Yunho in the janitor's closet. Thanks for filling in for me."

Mingi's face blushed as deep as his hair. "Fuck off," he hissed, but made no move to deny it as San shooed him away. San snorted at his retreating figure, shaking his head fondly. "And you're welcome!" Mingi called before he completely disappeared.

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