Fifteen: Two-Faced

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When Kai said he'd talk to Taehyun later, he didn't mean Taehyun and the rest of the "Verdel" bloods. But there he was, in the king and queen's room with all the "Verdel" bloods, silencing magic covering the door. "So," King Kang started, "it seems our plan has changed." He stared pointedly at Kai and Taehyun, who were sat next to each other on the edge of the bed. Everyone's attention turned to them, and Kai narrowed his eyes at the prince.

"You just had to blab your mouth, did ya?" he spoke in his mind.

"Well, shouldn't they know your plan?" Taehyun asked.

"I could've told them myself."

"Would you have though?"

"Stop doubting me, Tae. This is for Mabsulle."

"Can you guys actually speak using your talky hole?" Jungkook butted in.

"What the Crystal is a 'talky hole?'" Taehyung asked, weirded out. Jungkook looked back at him blankly.

"It's your mouth, dumbass."

"How am I the dumbass when you just called our mouths 'talky holes?!'"

"They aren't just talky holes," Jimin started with a smirk. "They can also be—"

"We have children in the room, Jimin," Seulgi interfered, gesturing to the two on the bed. Kai sighed. Taehyun looked offended.

"Hey, we're not—!" he started.

"You two are fetuses. Be quiet," Seulgi interrupted.

"How about we all stop talking and let the two speak," Queen Kang said sternly. "We can't be holed up in here for too long." Everyone fell silent, and she nodded in satisfaction before gesturing to the two boys. "Go on, dears."

Kai and Taehyun shared another glance, and when he saw Taehyun make a "go ahead" gesture with his hand, Kai sighed and spoke. "I've been getting closer to Soobin as of late," he announced.

"I thought we agreed I was going to take care of him?" Seulgi asked. Kai shrugged.

"He's the one who approached me. We've been meeting every day and just talk."

"Anything useful?" King Kang asked. Kai pursed his lips, thinking back.

"No," he finally said. "I don't think he trusts me enough to tell me anything personal. It's all been ridiculous conversations so far."

Conversations that I can't stop replaying in my head, he thought, but of course he didn't say that out loud.

"How deep have the conversations gotten?" Taehyung asked. Kai thought back to when he first found Soobin in the garden.

"When he ranted about his brothers and how worried he was about them," Kai said.

"That's a start," Queen Kang said, nodding to herself.

"I had noticed Soobin not being entirely comfortable with Seulgi," Jimin said. "Perhaps if Kai works to get closer to him, we'll get more promising results."

"Wait, does that mean I'm replacing her?" Kai asked. King Kang nodded.

"That's our best bet," he said. Everyone else nodded in agreement, and Kai felt his stomach drop. If he was replacing Seulgi in their plan, then that meant he would have to...

"Kai." Seulgi was giving him a soft reassuring smile, her eyes glowing blue as she spoke in his mind. "Remember when I promised you wouldn't have to use your Gift like that?" Kai gave her a small nod. "I still intend to keep that promise. Don't worry about it. All you have to worry about is getting close to Soobin, okay?" Kai nodded again, and it seemed he didn't have to verbalize his gratitude for he could tell Seulgi saw it by the way her smile grew as she gave a slight nod back.

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