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"WHAT!?" Gazelle and her tiger performers demanded.

"For what!?" One of Gazelle's tiger performers demanded.

"For not wearing your Tame Collars, which are mandatory for all preds to wear at all times! That's why!" The male, kangaroo ZPD officer answered before turning to face Duke Weaselton and Lionheart. "Attacking an innocent prey mammal and not wearing Tame Collars! I don't want to be you two right now!"

Hearing this, Gazelle and the others then assumed that this all must be a joke. "Hahahaha! Very funny, officer! That's a good joke you made there!" Another one of Gazelle's tiger performers laughed briefly before seeing the serious look on the officer's face. "Hold on! You mean it!?"

"Now, officer, we-" Yet another one of Gazelle's tiger performers tried to say, but was cut off.

"Shut up, you disgusting pred!" The ZPD officer yelled at the tiger performer as well as the others. "You can save all your dumb chit-chat for the judge when you're in court!"

Gazelle, shocked by the male, kangaroo ZPD officer's attitude towards her performers and the fact that he intended to arrest them too knew she had to step in. "Officer, these tigers work with me at all my concerts!" Gazelle defended her tiger performers. "You can't arrest them merely for a silly law, especially when it's one that doesn't even exist!"

"Miss Gazelle, while I respect you and I am a huge fan of you, the law is the law!" The ZPD officer said. "If any pred in Zootopia is seen without a Tame Collar on, they automatically will be put under arrest!"

"That's crazy! There are no predators being forced to wear any collars in Zootopia of any kind!" Gazelle fumed, not believing what she was hearing. "You're making this up!"

"Gazelle!" One of Gazelle's tiger performers tapped her right shoulder to get her attention.

Turning her attention away from the ZPD officer, Gazelle looked at all the other mammals and noticed some pred mammals. But she and the others gasped when they saw that all those predator mammals were actually wearing collars and they all looked miserable!

"What the heck is this!?" Gazelle turned her attention back to the male, kangaroo ZPD officer. "Why are you suddenly making every pred mammal wear collars!?"

"Suddenly? They've always been wearing collars, Gazelle! It's the law, remember?" The ZPD officer replied. "With them wearing the collars, it ensures that us prey mammals never have to worry about any hostile preds attacking us even if they turn savage!"

"What do you mean by that?" Gazelle inquired.

Then, Gazelle and the others saw some prey mammals gang up on a poor, brown wolf pred and to their horror and disgust, they saw them beat up said pred and step on his tail! The wolf then cried out in pain and he became very upset about what had just been done to him.

In response, this caused the Tame Collar the wolf was wearing around his neck to flash to red. That's when Gazelle, her tiger performers, Duke Weaselton and Lionheart then saw the wolf being shocked by volts of electricity from the collar that shocked him and his body and caused him even more and unbearable pain!

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