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"Don't just stand there! Do something!" Nick Wilde yelled at Kane in a desperate tone of voice.

Before Kane could say anything, he heard The Watcher's voice in his head again. 'Kane! You need to use it now!' Kane heard The Watcher mentally tell him.

'Use what!?" Kane inquired in his mind.

'The clock!' Kane heard The Watcher reply to him in his head.

'What am I going to do with this cuckoo clock!? Keep track of how much time passes before the ZPD get in here!?' Kane questioned in his thoughts.

'No!' The Watcher mentally told Kane. 'Look! There's a reason I wanted you steal that clock! That's because it's not really a cuckoo clock at all! It's one of my special inventions that I created just like that DisguiseNow Band that you wearing!'

Kane was surprised to hear this. 'What!?' Kane demanded.

Then, Kane and Nick heard the front doors to the museum being forced open by the ZPD! "Kane! What are you doing!?" Nick Wilde shouted at him. "We're in trouble here! Do something!"

'What does this invention-' Kane tried to ask The Watcher in his mind, but The Watcher cut him off.

'I'll explain later! But do exactly as I say!' The Watcher mentally instructed Kane. 'This is going to sound pretty stupid, but tell the cuckoo clock to 'Move its hands to take back what has gone wrong!'

Kane was confused, but he obeyed what The Watcher had told him to do anyway. "Clock. Move your hands to take back what has gone wrong!" Kane told the cuckoo clock, which made Nick Wilde curious and made him briefly wonder if Kane really was crazy afterall.

Suddenly, the hands on the clock began to move on their own, but that wasn't what shocked Kane! What shocked him was that the world around him seemed to become blurry spin around him like he was on a carousel that was moving at very fast speeds in reverse!

"What the fuck's going on!?" Kane freaked before the next thing he knew, the spinning had stopped and the world around him was still and normal like before.

But Kane was surprised yet again to see that Nick Wilde was standing right next to him and the glass case where the cuckoo clock was inside of. There were no alarms going off. None of the exits were in or out of the museum were sealed off. There were no ZPD officers! There weren't any sounds of police sirens from outside! There was nothing!

It was just Kane and Nick Wilde. That's it!

Kane then noticed that Nick was staring at him as if expecting something. "Well, Kane. How are we going to get that cuckoo clock out?" Nick Wilde asked him.

This confused Kane. 'Get the clock out?' Kane thought. 'But we just got it out and-'

That's when Kane looked at the glass case and noticed that not only was said cuckoo clock still in there and on the pedestal, but there were no holes in the glass to reach in and take it out of! 'What the heck!?' Kane thought in shock.

ZOOTOPIA: THE CALL FOR FREEDOMDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora