Uh, I got you breakfast?

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"What are you doing?" Illumi looked at Hisoka then back at the scone judgmentally, leaning back in his chair to avoid touching it.

"I'm holding it for you so you can eat it!" The energetic redhead told him. "Say ahh!" he said again, holding the scone more forward.

"Uh, okay I guess" he muttered, leaning forward and taking a bite.

"You have cream in your hair," Hisoka said, covering his mouth and looking away.

"Oops. Why are you laughing at me again, this is the third time." The black-haired man sighed and pulled out his phone to use the camera as a mirror.

"I got it!" Hisoka excitedly said, grabbing the whipped cream out of his hair and rubbing his hands on a napkin. "Holy crap your hair is so smooth and nice what products do you use?" he asked, reaching over to touch the black silk once again

"Uh, I don't know shampoo and conditioner?" Illumi responded, letting the intrigued Hisoka feel his hair. "Okay stop now," he muttered, grabbing Hisoka's wrist and removing it from his hair.

"You're red are you blushing, oh my god you're blushing," giggled Hisoka.

"I'm not blushing," he whispered, moving out of the booth, and making his way to the door.

"You didn't eat your food!" Hisoka called after him.

"That's 'cause it's gross," he called back. "I-I'm Illumi, in case you were wondering," he said before heading out the door and letting the wind take his hair and display it like a black river.


The next day, Hisoka sat in the same coffee shop, in the same seat, at the same time. Well, not actually he'd gotten here early hoping to run into Illumi. He'd been sitting there for at least an hour and a half, past when Illumi was here the day before. "Damn," he whispered, spitting his cold coffee back into the cup. "Hey lady!" he yelled to the barista, who looked at him coldly.

"If you have something to say you can come over, you'll disturb the other customers!" she called back, knowing full well there was no one else, 

"There's literally no one here,"  he grumbled, walking over to the counter. "Do you remember the guy that was here yesterday, the one with the long black hair and dead eyes?" She nodded. "Has he ever ordered remotely," he asked, putting his hands on the counter. She nodded again. "So you have his phone number right?" She nodded again. "Can you give it to me?" he asked, leaning forward. 

"No, are you an idiot. We're not just free to give out people's information like that,"  she scolded him, rolling her eyes. "Who even are you anyway if you know him so well?"

"Uhhhhh,"  he dragged on looking anywhere but her eyes. "I'm the manager who's trying to hire him but I wrote the digits down wrong during the interview?"  he said slowly

"Oh okay, he's been looking for a job for a while now so I guess I can let it slide." She shrugged and began to click on the computer/register in front of her.  "Here,"  she said, sliding a piece of paper with his number on it across the counter.

"Tha-" he began

"Ooh wait!" she shouted, a little too loudly, and made her way to where they kept the food. She returned quickly with a travel cup and a muffin. "Take these to him if you get to see him, I don't know why he didn't come in today." She frowned. "Anyway, I hope you give him that job, have a nice day I guess," she said, walking to the back.

"Uh... thanks!" he shouted, skipping out the door and sitting on a bench on the other side of the street.

Dialing the number that was written the piece of paper, he let it ring until he got to the voicemail, "If you called me before seven I'm probably asleep, after eleven the same thing, if not I'm just ignoring you."

Hisoka laughed at that, dialing the number again. He got the same message. Doing the same thing at least five times again, he finally picked up. 

"What the hell do you want," a groggy voice on the other line groaned. "Who even are you?"

"It's Hisoka!" he replied cheerily.

"How the hell did you get my number?" he asked, yawning loudly right into the speaker.

"The barista gave it to me."

"That's literally illegal," he sighed. Hisoka heard rustling on the other line, him laying back down obviously.

"Kinda yeah,"  said Hisoka, laughing slightly.

"You're the one with the dumbass symbols. on your face right?" asked Illumi, sounding kinda grumpy.

Hisoka sighed, smiling slightly. "You're not a morning person are you?"asked Hisoka, smirking slightly even tho Illumi couldn't see him.

"Shut the hell up." He sighed, tho what Hisoka couldn't see was him smiling slightly on the other side of the line. "Why did you go through so much trouble to get my number, do. you want something. I didn't steal your wallet if that's what your wondering."

"Why would you steal my wallet?" Hisoka chuckled nervously, patting his pocket for his wallet.

"Anyway, what do you want from me?" Illumi asked again, more forcefully then before.

"Uh the barista gave me your food, do you want it?" he lied.

"Yes!" he said excitedly. "I mean uh-sure." he coughed, clearing his throat.

"Okay what's your address?" Hisoka asked, trying to not sound too excited. "Thanks," he replied after Illumi had given it. "See you soon!" Hisoka called into the phone, hanging up and putting it in his GPS. "Hehe, I have a date with Illumi," he whispered to himself, walking down the street.

Illumi looked around his room, realizing the only thing his room was an absolute mess. "Shit," he muttered, burying his head in the pillow


Is this too long? I've never written something like this ahah

Art credit from: rimpach on tumblr!!

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