A little A.N. before we start

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So, uh...

This is a thing.
Yeah sorry about suddenly disappearing like that. Those of you who've read my other (still unfinished) fic know I'm that type of person that sometimes forgets or puts off things because I don't know either how to continue or just lose motivation, haha.


And also, for those who don't know, I made an X Reader book some years ago which is still unfinished for the most part. If you wanna read it, go ahead but don't expect something that amazing lol.

Also for those who do know and have read the other fic, well uh,, the other chapter is still a WIP and I have no idea what to do with it so until I can get around that problem, that fic will stay on a hiatus of sorts.
(edit: just published chpt. 16 yesterday lol—)

Ok, just so I don't make this even longer, be aware that this isn't some sort of sequel for the other fic, this is just some other thing I wanted to work on since I've had this idea for a while. As you know, I'm not very consistent with updates, so please bear with me and my slow ass :,)
(Also I might be slow to update here and there since I tend to drown in homework most of the time.)
(Also also, in this fic there won't be as much meme spamming, and there will be way less chapters focused on announcements so yeah.)


Anyways, hope you enjoy!!

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