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Some days later...

I wake up abruptly, the sunlight beaming from the window making my eyes sting.  As I squint, I slowly sit up and turn my head, just to notice that all of guys already left the cabin, except for Neil, who was still tidying up some things on his bed.

"What time is it...?" I grumble, " and.. also, more importantly, what the actual fuck are you wearing right now?" I point over at his pants which have some weird chemistry flask patterns on them.

"Oh, you're up!" Neil glances over at me. "These are just swimming trunks. David and Gwen told us to go change after eating at the mess hall since we're gonna be doing some activities by the lake." Neil adds.

"Fuck—have I been asleep for that long?" I furrow my eyebrows and let out a small yawn.

"I uh— Yeah, you pretty much slept in through most of the morning," Neil stammers, "even David came over here to try and wake you up. You ended up cussing him off in your sleep, which was honestly quite funny." Neil chuckles lightly. "So, you coming?" Neil then asks as he puts his bag away and grabs a towel.

"In a moment, jackass.." I grumble, "I still gotta freshen up." I added.

"Okay, I'll be at the docks with Nikki then." Neil waves goodbye and starts walking towards the cabin door.

"And I'll make sure I get there as soon as she shoves you into the water so I can get to see you flail like a distraught five-year-old." I answered back jokingly. Neil responds by turning around with a smirk and flipping me off before heading out, closing the cabin door behind him.

I exhale sharply and stand up from my bed, stretching my arms out until I feel an uncomfortable pain coming from my right arm.

"What the fuck..?" I grumble as I pull up my sleeve to reveal a reddened mark on my lower wrist. "Oh, right." I frown, remembering that moment from a few days ago.

'Its not like I'm even going to jump into the fucking lake, I'll just keep my hoodie on and refuse to do shit like normal.' I tell myself in my head.

I roll down my sleeve and try to ignore the discomfort I feel on my wrist, carrying on with the rest of my morning routine before having to meet everyone else at that godforsaken—and most likely fucking contaminated—lake.

"Ah, Max!" I hear an overly-cheery voice shout from a distance. Fucking hell. "You've finally woken up! Now, why don't you come over here with the rest of us and have some fu—"

"Fuck off, David." I cut him off and scowl.

"Hey, well that's not very nice. You should seriously mind your language." David responded in a reprimand-ish but still sort of perky tone. I honestly could care less what this tree-for-brains has to fucking say.

"And you should seriously fucking learn how to talk without screaming half the time, and yet here we fucking are." I retort bitterly.

"Alright enough, you two. Max, you heading into the water or what?" Gwen interrupts with a bored tone, clearly tired of having to deal with the same bullshit from each day, which, honestly, takes some damn fucking effort.

"Fuck that. I'm too busy waiting for random shit that's worth recording to happen so I can do so on David's phone." I say, now holding David's phone in hand which I snatched some moments ago.

"Wh— How did you get that?" David points at the phone in confusion.

"David, David, David. You never fucking learn." I start walking away over to a nearby tree with his phone still in my hand.

"Hey now, you give that back or you— you'll be in a heck of a lot of trouble!" David stammers while trying to sound intimidating.

"Jesus-fucking-Christ, David, chill. Its not like i'm going to destroy anything—" I turn around, lift up my arms and shrug at him.  "—apart from your decaying social life that is." I then mutter under my breath as I kept walking further away.

David's Pov

"But— I— No wait—"

"Just forget him, David. That little shit will probably hand it back once he's bored or something. I don't get why you waste so much energy with that kid." Gwen intercepts, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know, Gwen. Ever since he got here he's—.. there's something off about him. He seems colder than his usual self." I say, a frown slowly forming on my face.

"I honestly cannot spot anything different with him." Gwen shakes her head in confusion and shrugs. "But, knowing how you always get to him one way or another, I assume he'll just open up eventually." She adds.

"Yeah..." I mutter, "You know what? I'll go talk to him." My mood changes, with a sense of determination washing over me.

"Mhm, you go do that." Gwen hums, now paying attention to her phone instead of the campers.

"Oh, and Gwen?"

"Yeah?" She responds.

"Space Kid is being used as a beach ball again." I point over to Nurf throwing Space Kid around.

"Oh for fuck's sake— NURF GET OVER HERE!" Gwen lightly shouts, running over to the docks to aid the kid wearing the fish bowl.

I turn around and confidently start walking towards Max, who was busy going through my phone.

"God fucking dammit," His grumbling gets louder as I approach him, "there's no fucking signal? Seriously?!" He growls in frustration. I stand in front of the boy, who was sitting down under the tall cedar tree.

Max looks up, " Ugh, what is it now, David?"

I inhale, then exhale sharply.

"We need to talk."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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