Chapter Four

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Waking up to peace and quiet was something you could keep getting used to.

You opened your eyes and were met with the same cold emptiness of your new room that you had been waking up to the past few days. It was stark white, with shiny tile but was just plain. You had unpacked a few things and started to make it more your own but it still felt lonely.

You stumble your way out of bed and stretch your arms out, yawning in front of the closet. Shedding your old sleep clothes, you grab a clean uniform from your closet and dress. You went to the bathroom to brush your hair out and slick it back into a ponytail that brushed the nape of your neck.

You groaned at the thought of seeing him tonight.

Pryde as usual had sent you a reminder that you had another meeting tonight. It had barely been enough time since your last "meeting" but you suppose with the importance of your new position he figured he was owed more. Which was bullshit considering you didn't ask for this at all.

All you wanted honestly was to be safe and for your position to be safe. Officers and captains could be replaced and interchanged so easily, same as stormtroopers. All it took for them was one fuck up to be tossed out or thrown to the wolves. You just wanted some security that the same thing wasn't going to happen to you, damn it!

And if you have to fuck Pryde a hundred more times to make that happen, then you guess you'd just suck it up and do it. You were running out of ranks to move up to at this point however. Eventually it would turn into you just having to fuck him to keep your spot.

Hell you'd kept it a secret for this long already, you were sure you could manage it a bit longer.

Starting off the morning already annoyed, you zipped your ugly thick boots on and were ready to dominate. It was time to prove yourself to all the assholes that judged you and gave you dirty looks when you passed by.

Exiting your quarters, you kept your head up high and put on your bitch face. You were not fucking around today. As you walked past the TIE fighters bay, you noticed two stormtroopers in a back corner chatting with their helmets off.

'Perfect. The first opportunity to prove myself. '

"What the hell are you two doing? Put your helmets on now. Unless you want me to go get Phasma," you threatened.

They looked at you for a second and scoffed, continuing the conversation they were having before you interrupted them.

"Excuse me it seems you misheard me," you said grabbing your data pad, "Phasma I have a code yellow situation down by the TIE fighters."

Their mouths dropped open and you watched their eyes grow wide as they were taken aback by your seriousness. They stood up scared and put their helmets back on. "Now get up and go do your fucking job." 

They left quickly back to their base onboard the ship, having escaped Phasma's torment for now. You thought that it was a good start to proving yourself, you made your intentions clear and acted on it. Maybe you could get used to this after all.

You walked to your post and settled in for the day, ready to start your duties. You glanced at the stack of files at your station that were about to topple over. You shouldn't have to file stupid paperwork with your new position, that's for the lowest of the low.

Noticing Vaeda was about to walk over you figured you could go ahead and get rid of it.

"Officer Capri. I don't know who assigned this but this work will just not do, I'm going to need you to file all these for me," you said patting the high stack of papers to my right. "Are we clear?"

She gulped harshly and tried to put on a fake smile despite the ever so obvious hatred she was feeling at the moment.

"Of course Miss General Hux. I'll get right on it." She grabbed the stack of files and held them tightly between her arms as there had to have been at least fifty she needed to carry.

Satisfied with that now out of your way, you could focus on the more important work you needed to take care of. You sorted through the remaining few files to the left of you and saw one labeled "Confidential."

Intriguing to say the least.

You opened it up and flipped your fingers through the papers seeing that this file was about your next mission.

Your first mission being in the Supreme Council.

In the fine print, it detailed who was to go on the mission, the mission goal, what kinds of weapons were allowed, what ship to bring. This was going to be a hard one, no doubt about it.

You scanned your finger over the tiny words to find what date this would be happening on.


One week from now.

That felt like hardly enough time for you to prepare. This was your first big job with your new position and to make matters worse your brother and Ren were coming with you?

'This is going to be a nightmare.'

You had a Supreme Council meeting before then so you were sure the mission would be brought up in more detail during that time. You supposed you should be thankful Pryde wasn't going on this mission and should just take the atrocity of Armitage and Ren.

It's not like Kylo talked to you much anyway. He would rather you just stay out of his way frankly. But you knew with your brother and you being that close to each other over a matter this serious, it was going to go up in flames. You'd never agree on anything.

You rubbed your head feeling a headache coming on from the stress of this mission that hasn't even happened yet. You close the files back and hear footsteps coming up to your station.

You turned your head to see a stormtrooper approaching.

"Hi? Can I help you?" you asked confused. Stormtroopers weren't allowed anywhere near these stations.

"Phasma wants me to watch you. Uh sorry, I mean protect you," he stammered nervously. "Because people hate you with your new job and everything."

'Huh... that's interesting.'

No one else with your position had this type of protection, nor the hatred that apparently they all shared for you now. But that's what you get for moving up so fast.

You decided you would take the protection if Phasma really thought you needed it though.

"Okay then. I'm sure we can find a way to make this work I guess. Just don't talk to me unless spoken to, yes?"

"Of course, Miss Hux," he said politely.

He sounded familiar, very familiar.

"Were you the one who helped me with my things the other day?"

"Yes I was," he said surprised. To basically everyone, all stormtroopers sounded the same and looked well, identical so it's not like they were paid any mind. But you paid attention more than most.

"EI-1107 if you remember."

"I do remember. Well that's great then that we're already familiar," you smiled.

"Yes ma'am. The word you gave to Phasma must've gotten me this spot. Thank you," he said kindly though the mechanic voice box.

Compared to the type of work he's used to doing, this must be a breath of fresh air. Sure you may be playing this bitch role now but he was nice and helpful. You wouldn't treat him like your slave.

God there you go again! You're just too damn nice.

"But this is a serious job, EI. I'm sure you understand that. So no messing around," you told him standing up.

"Yes ma'am," he answered.

While this protection was certainly unwanted, you were not going to refuse it. This was a dawn of a new era for you, one filled with power. And you would be damned if you didn't take advantage of it.

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