Chapter Thirteen

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Halfway down the hall, you crouched against the wall to catch your breath and found yourself choked with tears. You couldn't breathe you were sobbing so intensely.

'I was almost subjected to...'

You couldn't even say it. You couldn't even think about it. To lose your dignity, to be treated so carelessly. You felt like you were the actual scum of the galaxy.

You turned your head to the footsteps booming and were gladly met with the sight of Kylo coming towards you. He helped you up and you winced as he touched the freshly bruised spots of Pryde's. He removed his hands immediately, noticing your discomfort, and put them at the small of your back instead to steady you before bringing you to a corridor nearby as you continued to sob until your chest felt tight.

Knowing that you were alone now, he took off his mask and shook out his raven colored locks. You watched mesmerized as he looked at you concerned.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

You were consumed by so many emotions, but overwhelmingly thinking of him evoking the tiny, little piece of empathy he had in his heart for you was all you could think about. He was a godsend. A miracle.

"I'm-..." you trailed off, trying to find any type of word to truly describe how you were feeling.

You were shattered. Broken. Disgusted with yourself. In pain.

"You don't have to say. Just thought I'd ask," he responded.

He threw his mask towards the stark white wall that was electrified with fluorescents. You started to look around and realize the corridor he pulled you into was none other but his quarters.

"Kylo... I- I don't understand," you said feeling your tears subside.

"Understand what?" he answered away from you, trying to keep his distance.

"How did you find me? I mean how did you even know I was there, no one knew-"

"Your thoughts," he responded plainly. "They were very loud. Very...difficult to ignore."

'My thoughts?'

But you had to have been all the way across base, there's no way you were capable of projecting like that. You sat there trying to figure it out before he started to explain further.

"It's like..." he started, trying to find the right words. "It's like you were calling to me. Directly to me, and I could feel all your pain."

Finally making eye contact with you, you were sucked into his stupidly beautiful hazel eyes as if time ceased to exist. As if none of this had just happened. The way they captured you was unlike anything in the world.

You looked away, realizing how caught up you were getting and tried to take in what he said. It sounded too bizarre to be real.

"It was... horrifying. I was a show for them. I was nothing more than Enric's prize," you said shakily, analyzing what happened. You were suddenly sent to a different realm as the memories flooded back in at an all too horrifying speed. You shut your eyes and covered them with your hands to try and escape the horrendous memories.

Kylo gingerly grabbed your arms to try and remove them from your face and snap you back into reality.

Uncovering your hands, you looked into the eyes of a different man. A kind man. A compassionate man. One who was willing to save you. One who's soul was exposed for your viewing.

He gulped nervously as you could feel the shift in his emotions.

"Just tell me one thing. Did he do that to you?" Kylo asked, pointing to your bruised wrists and red stray marks that marked your arms.

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