Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I'm starting to think you're more trouble than your worth," Vican teased you, out of breath from your numerous stab attempts. He was unfortunately the chosen one today to be tortured by your never ending persistence during training.

Kylo had become relentless in making every knight work with you until you were fit by his standards to be a worthy opponent who could hold your ground. At this point, every other responsibility of yours had been abandoned, nothing else mattered but training.

You were stationed on another planet, with just the Night Buzzard, Kylo, and the knights.

In some instances, it upset you. You couldn't see your old friends or your brother, who you had heard was healed and out of the hospital. But he had grown close in his own ways to the vapid little annoyance, Vaeda who had manipulated her way up the ranks through Armitage.

Just as she had always wanted.

But in other ways, you were overjoyed. You had grown exponentially closer to Kylo. The two of you never left each other's side, and you had grown to love the ridiculous boys that had become your close friends.

Is this what it was supposed to feel like when you gave up everything you loved for one person?

'Yes. It must be.'

Because all you felt was happiness.

You only heard through whispers from the knights about Anya. She had become a spiteful, angry woman who clung to her position fiercely. She was devastated by your departure, forced to live back in the communal shoebox with the rest of the lower ranks. She was a free loader by any definition, and used you endlessly but you loved her like she was family.

The memories of you two though were drifting. Nearly as fast as the two men that once held your heart too. It was almost as if you had never met Kade or Eli now. They became lost in the rest of the stormtroopers you would pass when you would rarely come onboard the Finalizer, and you had no idea who was who anymore.

The months were passing, and you had grown into quite the powerful woman. As tirelessly as you had worked, you knew you had never felt better or stronger in your life. And finally, your chance was coming up to prove it.

"So, Arcadia it is tomorrow?" Vicrul asked, walking back with you to the ship.

"Yes, Kylo and I are set to depart early. We're going after a mandalorian."

"Oh? Ha, good luck with that. Geez, what a rough mission. You're a tough one, but not tough enough for that," he said patting your head like you were a dog.

"Well you already know I have no choice. Kylo would kill him if Snoke didn't want his information so bad."

"Eh, I don't know about that. You guys are setting yourselves up for failure, that's all I'm going to say," he finished, throwing his hands up defensively.

After how long you had worked for this, failure was not an option. Did you want the mission to result in death? No, absolutely not. You wouldn't let Kylo kill him either. But you had to prove your worth to Snoke and show everyone what a force you had become. It was one of the only lingering hopes you still clung to.

Proving everyone wrong.

"If you keep talking, I'm going to make you come with us," you joked with him, entering the ship and looking for Kylo.

"He already flew back to base, sorry kiddo," Ushar told you, noticing you glancing around trying to find him.

The bastard had left without you! Right before your first big mission and you couldn't talk to the one person you wanted to most.

Rabid Cur (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now