Chapter Twenty

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It was finally time for you to see Snoke following your aborted mission.

You knew you hadn't done anything wrong this time, it wasn't like the blizzard was your fault. But this would be the first time Snoke would talk directly to you regarding his hopes for you with Kylo's training.

There was a dull ache in your belly as you waited to see him.

You barely had any time to process the events with Pryde. By the time you and Kylo had left the vapid man, Pryde had sought out a nurse to fix his broken bones and was absolutely fuming. Not that the two of you cared, you had both left him and the infirmary to prepare to see Snoke.

Kylo left you with a caress of your cheek and you waited anxiously to be beckoned. You went over and over what you were supposed to say and how you had rehearsed it with Kylo.

'I can do this.'

"General, your presence is requested by the Supreme Leader," the lieutenant told you sternly, motioning for you to follow him.

You were sure that Kylo or the Knights had already been summoned and were waiting for you in the projection room.

Sure enough, you were right.

The three knights that accompanied you on the mission were on their knees, masks off. For such brutes, they seemed small in this position, waiting to be degraded by their true master.

Kylo was still standing up, waiting for you and once you joined him you both fell to your knees. He gazed at you silently, the mutual feeling of fear being shared between the both of you.

Static occurred briefly before the image of Snoke appeared before you.

You all bowed your heads and awaited his response.

"My children, I am disappointed to hear that the mission was unable to be completed. Ushar, do tell how it unfolded."

All eyes were on Ushar as he grew clammy and nervous under the pressure of Snoke's words.

"Yes master," he stuttered out, wetting his lips nervously.

Ushar went on to tell a brief synopsis of the mission and the intense conditions which took place. He was pretty accurate with the events, besides leaving out how close you and Kylo had grown.

Which you were thankful for.

"Hm...." Snoke said thoughtfully after Ushar finished. "Ren, I believe your knight has left out some details."

You turned your head in his direction and could tell Kylo was ransacking his brain as to what Snoke was wanting to hear.

Then it dawned on you. And him.

"Come on my lovers, confess already!" Snoke yelled, the horrible raspy voice booming in your ears.

A sick chuckle followed his words and you realized this was exactly what he wanted.

Everything was going according to his plan. He wasn't mad at you, he was entertained.

He had manipulated Kylo.

And you.

"Don't lie children, I already know. The infatuation just continues to grow!" he said, a gleeful tone underlying his words.

"It's a pity it didn't happen sooner, just look how strong the girl is growing. It's marvelous," he noted, staring so intensely at you, you could hardly breathe.

"I expect her to be trained under you and your men in due time," he said finishing his thought, directing his words to Kylo.

Kylo opened his mouth to start talking, but you stopped him before he could say anything.

Rabid Cur (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now