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Your POV:

You woke with a start, lurching backwards when you found yourself wrapped in someone's arms. You pried yourself free and sat on your heels at the end of the bed, heart pounding as you stared down at a confused and sleepy looking Tom.

"Y/N? What's going on?" he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes-well, your eyes, but your muddled brain hadn't yet registered the fact that your bodies had switched back sometime in the middle of the night.

"What did you do to me?" You demanded, anger hardening your expression.

Tom sat up too, brows furrowed as his sleep-addled brain processed your question, "What do you mean? Oh- did we switch back? I don't really see how that's my fault though."

"You..." You blinked, taking his appearance and the way his words had been slurred with sleep and your anger deflated, "Sorry, I guess it was just a dream."

You ran a hand through your hair, still damp with sweat, and chuckled a little in relief.

"Are you ok?" Tom had been watching your revelation, getting gradually more concerned as he fully woke up.

"I'm okay, I just had a really weird dream... what time is it?" You asked changing the subject.

Tom raised an eyebrow at you, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." You assured him with a smile, though you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, "But, does anything seem... weird to you?"

"You mean other than you?" He teased and you rolled your eyes. Maybe you were being weird.

"Forget I asked." You said with a huff and climbed back into the covers, pulling them up over your head. You suppressed a smile when you heard him giggling behind you as he climbed underneath the covers too. He faced you as he laid beside you and kissed your forehead.

"Y/N~ I'm just kidding." When you didn't respond he gently pushed your shoulder, "I love you."

You laughed, but your only response was, "Your breath stinks."

He feigned hurt and threw the covers off both of you, "What did I do to deserve this?"

You laughed again, this time grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it lightly, "I'm kidding too... sorta. Your breath does stink, but what I meant to say is that I love you too."

He smiled at that, but didn't let your attack go unnoticed. He grabbed another pillow-one of which you could only assume belonged to the pillow wall that evidently had been destroyed in the middle of the night-and hit you back, declaring war. You battled it out, both giggling as you each hit a little too hard.

"Alright, alright! You win!" You shouted finally, throwing your pillow aside and putting your hands up in surrender.

He laughed and pulled you in close, resting his head on your shoulder. You stayed there for a few moments before he lifted his head back up and looked at you with a smile. He'd begun to lean in to kiss you when the door to the RV burst open and Joel cheerfully came inside, "Good-morning, hopefully not pregnant teens!"

You and Tom shot away from each other, awkward smiles plastered on your faces as you greeted Joel.

"Did you sleep well?" He turned to you, looking shadily at your extremely rumpled appearances and the bedding that had ended up all over the floor. "I'm hoping for both of your sakes that that was an aesthetic choice."

You shivered at his threatening tone before insisting there had been a very intense pillow fight.

"Right..." He said disdainfully but dropped the subject, "So, what's on the agenda today? Are you still going to the library?"

The library. You'd almost forgotten. Tom groaned, "Are we sure we're even going to find anything? We looked online for so long maybe we shouldn't even bother."

You furrowed your brows at him, "We can't just give up. We should at least try to find some new information."

Tom still looked slightly reluctant but smiled when he said, "Anything for you."

~time skip~

You both walked into the library immediately confronted by the amount of books you would have to look through.

"Well," You whispered to Tom as you walked to the nearest shelf, "Where do we start?"

"Fiction? If we start at opposite ends and meet in the middle we'll cover more ground." He suggested.

"Good idea," You said. Truthfully, you were going to suggest splitting up yourself. The dream you'd had-at least the part about the book-was still lingering in the back of your mind and you couldn't help but feel like it was important, "I'll start with the A's then?"

"Sure. See you in a bit."

You parted ways, walking towards the first shelf in the fiction section. You aimlessly browsed for a few seconds as you waited for Tom to make his way further into the stacks of books. You gave him a good few minutes before hurriedly looping around the back of the shelves and making your way towards the non-fiction section.

You turned the corner only to startle to a stop and hide behind the shelves.

What was Tom doing in the non-fiction section?

You peeked around the corner and watched as he walked quickly down the row of shelves.

He paused, running his fingers down the spines of the books before suddenly stopping and pulling a large book off the shelf. He hurried back out of the row of shelves before putting the book on a return cart and heading back to the fiction section.

You waited a few moments before walking over to the cart, eyes scanning the books.

It's probably nothing. You told yourself despite the growing dread in the pit of your stomach.

Your breath hitched when you saw it, Charles Graham's Soulmate Theory.

What is going on?


author's note:

tom kinda sus ngl hehe sorry it took so long for me to update i promise i didn't forget i was writing this lol also, thank you for 6k reads!!!2!1!!1 <333

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