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Your POV

This is it. We're fugitives.

Well, maybe not technically, but you were running from a police officer so it's not that far off.

After you and Tom had made your unspoken agreement, you both broke off into a sprint, momentarily leaving the surprised officer in your dust.

You had only managed to make it a few yards away before you heard an engine spurr to life, the wail of police sirens following closely after. You turned corners and weaved in between cars, unable to think of anything other than the fact that you needed to get away-well, that and the fact that you had done more running during the last few days than you had in the entire rest of your life.

These moments, the ones where you were forced to engage in physical activity, were the only moments when you we happy to be in Tom's body. Unfortunately, Tom had gotten the short end of the stick when he switched with you and you could tell by his heavy breathing that he was struggling.

"I am so sorry." You shouted to Tom over the sound of the sirens.

"About what? If anything I should be the one to apologize. It's technically me they're looking for." He said, out of breath.

"No, I mean I'm sorry that you're stuck in my body for this... maybe I should start doing cardio or something once we switch back."

"You don't need to do any cardio. You're perfect the way you are... even if you sorta suck at running."

You looked over at him with a grin, "You know if we weren't running from the cops right now I'd kiss you."

"Can we take a rain check on that?"

You laughed in response, turning yet another corner. The sirens were close behind you the entire time you ran. The officer talked over the car's loudspeaker, trying to convince you to stop running and get in the car, but he went completely ignored.

Obviously even in Tom's body you couldn't outrun a car and you were not under the illusion that you could. The only thing you had going for you was the fact that you were both much smaller than a cop car.

"Between the lanes!" You yelled as you approached a busy intersection. The cars in the two lanes to your left were stopped at a light and you were going to use that to your advantage. You ran between the cars, getting a few honks from angry drivers but you were also able to put some distance between you and the police car.

Once you came out on the other side of the traffic, the sound of sirens had gotten a little more distant but they were getting closer by the second. You both looked around for somewhere you could hide, sure you wouldn't be able to keep up this game of chase much longer.

"There!" You said suddenly, grabbing Tom by the arm and leading him off the road.

"Woah what? Why there?"

"I have a plan. You're just going to have to trust me on this one."

You dragged Tom towards an automatic car wash, bracing yourself before you ran through the wrong way.

You ran passed the blow dryer and through the water jets, ignoring the honking car already in the middle of being washed. You went around the car, ducking beneath a huge rotating brush before running though what looked like a forest of even more rotating brushes, almost slipping on soapy water in the process.

"This is gonna suck." Tom muttered just before you plunged through the wall of gigantic, noodle-esque wipers. Their massive size coupled with the amount of force they were hitting you with made them the most difficult part of the car wash to get through, almost knocking you both off balance more than once.

You charged through a group of what could only have been described as spinning devil mops, getting smacked in the face a few times in the process. Finally, you passed through the soap sprayers and made it out the other side.

Though your trek through the car wash had felt like an eternity, it couldn't have taken you any longer than twenty seconds to make it all the way through (though it had certainly dealt plenty of of damage in just twenty seconds).

Tom had just begun to celebrate the end of your sojourn through the car wash when the cop pulled up to the entrance, blocking your way out.

No matter. This was all part of the plan.

"You're going to hate me for this, but we have to go back through."

Tom blinked in response. Groaning as the cop began to climb out of the car so he could follow you through on foot.

However, as evidenced by the cop immediately getting smacked in the face and slipping in soap as he chased you through the devil mops, you had the advantage of experience. Because of this, you'd made it through the other side even faster than the first time. You paused in front of the dryer for a few moments, just long enough to prevent leaving behind a trail of water. Then you raced out of the car wash and into an alleyway, leaving the disoriented police man behind.

"Okay what now?" Tom asked as you allowed yourselves to catch your breath.

"You're not going to like it." You said, already scrunching your nose in disgust.

"What do you mean?" Tom asked, looking a little nervous after what the last part of your plan had been.

"We hide." You walked over to the dumpster beside you and opened it.

"You mean in the dumpster?!"

"Just until the coast is clear." You assured him and hoisted yourself up and into it, suppressing a gag as the smell hit you.

Tom stared at you for a few minutes before reluctantly following. Just as he'd closed the lid over you, hurried footsteps stopped just outside the alleyway.

Author's note: DUN DUNNNNN CLIFFHANGER! Also, updates two days in a row??? Who am I? I've actually been really into writing recently so I might be able to finally finish this book soonnnn. I do have a plan for the rest of the book but if anyone has any suggestions on something they want to see lmk and i might add it :)))

swapped | th x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora