operation: hot cocoa (p.1)

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Your POV:

The two of you walked through the rain and to your house. You were both freezing from being out in the rain for so long and at this point you felt like even your bones were cold. You didn't speak much as you walked but when you did, you kept the conversation light.

You really didn't want to think about all that had happened but you were sure Tom would be your shoulder to cry on if you did. But for now, you decided you were just going to focus on what was happening right now, not what had happened or what would happen in the future. Now you were on the way to your house and you needed a plan to get past Brad.

Brad who may or may not be drunk. Brad who would definitely not let you guys in the house. Brad whom you also happened to hate.

A lot.

After your dad died when you were younger, it had been just you an you mom for as long as you could remember. The two of you were happy with it being that way-at least that's what you'd thought.

When your mom told you she was seeing someone, you were a little leery but happy she was able to move on after your dad's death. After the first few dates she had with a new guy, Brad, she would come home excited and would tell you all about how the date went. When she finally suggested you meet him, you were excited to meet the guy who was making your mom happy.

They'd planned for Brad to come over to your house and have dinner one night. You and your mom decided to cook together and made your favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. When Brad finally arrived, he was late and didn't even apologize. Your mom didn't seem upset but right then you knew you were not a fan of Brad.

As your meeting with Brad continued the more you discovered you didn't like him at all. He was arrogant and rude but your mom didn't see it. You could tell that by the end of the night he wasn't especially fond of you either but that disdain was nothing compared to the mutual hatred that had grown between you months down the line.

Your mom finally started to see his true colors later on but by then it was too late. He had already weaseled his way into your family and he didn't seem to have any intention of leaving any time soon.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when you finally made it outside of your house. You realized by then that it had finally stopped raining, but you hadn't been able to tell while you were so distracted.

"This is it," you said with a sigh

"Finally! I'm so cold," Tom laughed and began to walk past you and up the driveway. You stuck your hand out and stopped him.

"Hold on, we need a plan first,"

"What? Why?"

"Brad. Brad's why. He's my mom's boyfriend and he's also the worst person I've ever met. He won't let you in. Well..." you said, a plan alrady forming in your head, "He won't let me in because I look like you. He'll let you in but be warned he will probably cuss you out and might try to throw something at you so it's best to just avoid him if you can."

"Sounds like a lovely guy," Tom said sarcastically.

"Yeah he's the worst. Anyway, you need to go in through the garage door because I'm assuming you don't have my key. I'll give you the code, don't worry."

"Okay. I'm just a little confused though. Why do we need a plan? Can't you just go in with me?"

"No. Brad's recliner is in the living room which is next to the door that connects to the garage. He will see us come in and he will probably try to start something. If you go in alone he won't be happy to see you, but as long as you don't make eye contact and give him simple answers he will probably leave you alone."

"Got it," Tom said, letting you know he was still paying attention.

"After you make it in the house and hopefully past Brad, you need to go straight up the stairs and go to the first door in the hall. That's my room," You ignored the blush that crept up your cheeks at the thought of Tom being in your room and continued, "This is the hard part. You have to open the window and help me to climb up to it. The roof does had a bit of an overhang underneath my window, but it shouldn't be a problem. You can pull the blanket off my bed and lower it down to me so that I can climb up,"

"Okay," Tom said

"You ready?" You asked with a smile. He looked determined and nodded.


Author's note: I'm so sorry guys it's been so long since i've updated. I'm going to be posting another update later today to make it up to you guys. (It's 1:30 AM right now so I'll probably post at around 3 PM). I would have just written it all in one chapter especially since this part isn't too important, but this one was getting long and I didn't want to cut it short)

One other thing, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 950 READS!!!!! The last update I posted was when I was at a little over 300 reads and wow I'm so thankful for everyone who has read this book! I never even expected 100 reads and this is just so crazy to me so thank you! I hope you guys have enjoyed and continue to enjoy it <333

edited 8/10/20

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