fugitives that stink

526 17 6

Your POV

Just as Tom closed the lid over you, you heard the sound of footsteps stopping just outside the alleyway.

"Tom, please don't run. You're not in any trouble I just want to return you to your family!" You heard the officer shout. You actually felt kinda bad for the guy.

Not bad enough to turn yourself in though. You needed to figure out how to switch back before Tom could go home anyway and going home as Tom would just cause more problems.

So, you listened closely to the sound of the footsteps growing closer, burrowing deeper into the garbage the closer they got. Beside you, Tom began to quietly move garbage bags around, burying you both as best as he could. As soon as you realized what he was doing, you followed suit.

You both froze as you heard the officer stop in front of the dumpster. He opened the lid and you held your breath, though you were still afraid the sound of your rapid heart beat would give you away.

We've been caught. You thought, beginning to panic.

However, the officer just peered into the dumpster for a few seconds before closing it and heading back out of the alley. You both let out a sigh of relief as the footsteps receded, though neither of you dared move until about ten minutes later when you heard the sound of the officer's car driving away.

As soon as you knew the coast was clear you opened the dumpster lid, desperate for fresh air. Tom helped you over the side before climbing out himself, both of you collapsing beside the dumpster.

"Well, I guess I can cross that off my bucket list." Tom said sarcastically.

"Hey at least he's gone." You retorted, though you both broke out in grins when you looked at each other.

"You're right, you're right... though please don't hold it against me if I'm reluctant to follow your next plan." He teased. He leaned over and tried to peck your lips but you recoiled.

"No! Gross," You giggled and pushed him away lightly, "This is not the time. We smell like garbage."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, pretending to be offended, "I guess that's what happens when you lay in garbage for fifteen minutes."

"I promise you, you'll get your kiss once we can get cleaned up." You said, ignoring the slight blush that spread across your cheeks, "Plus I still owe you a kiss when you called me perfect earlier."

Tom laughed, "Well then I guess we'd better get cleaned up. Where to now, master planner?"

"We could go through the car wash again?" You tried, standing up.

"Absolutely not." Tom stood too, "We could go back to Joel's? I'm sure his shower is pretty clean too due to lack of use."

You grimaced at the thought of having to interact with Tom's cousin again, but agreed.

You cautiously peeked your head out of the alley to make sure the coast was truly clear before you began your walk towards Joel's RV.


Thankfully, you were able to make it to Joel's without incident. Tom knocked on his door and it swung open before Tom could even put his hand back down.

"Oh hey, you're back are you guys okay?" Joel asked, stepping aside to let you into the messy room.

"About that," Tom started, "Actually we're kinda running from the cops."

Joel's beady eyes widened, "So you mean you guys are... fugitives or something?"


"Fugitives who smell." You said, speaking for the first time since you'd gotten there, "Can we please use your shower?"

"We're not actually fugitives. When I didn't come home last night my parents reported me missing to the police. Obviously I can't go home like this, so when we happened to get recognized earlier today, we had to run for it." Tom clarified.

"I see... So you're in need of a hideout?" Joel asked, slowly smiling.

"Just until we can figure out how to switch back for good." You said quickly.

"Stay as long as you want! Shower as long as you want! You can even borrow some clothes if you need to." Joel said, clearly enjoying the drama of the situation.

You both thanked Joel for his hospitality and he quickly waved it off, "You guys hungry? I can go pick up sandwiches if you want. There's a place right down the street."

"Yes, please." You said at the same time, only just realizing how hungry you were. You told Joel what you wanted and he went to grab his shoes.

"Hey mate, do you mind if we shower while you're gone?" Tom asked as Joel finished tying his shoes.

Joel smirked, "Go ahead... but if you guys were planning on showering together you're going to have to be quick. The sandwich shop is only five minutes away."

Tom choked on his spit, blushing furiously.

Despite the fact that you'd gone entirely red as well, you pinned Joel with a glare, "We weren't going to shower together, pervert. Unlike you, there are some people who see the value in good hygiene."

Maybe it was a good thing he made that comment, you thought, you had almost forgotten why you disliked Joel so much.

"Relax. I'm just kidding you guys are kids." Joel laughed as he opened the door to the RV but when he looked back over his shoulder, his face was serious, "I mean it. If I come back and Tom is pregnant you guys can forget about staying."

And with that, he left.

There was a long, uncomfortable silence after the door closed behind him, both of you unsure of what to say.

It was Tom who broke the silence first, "Uh, so do you wanna shower first?"

You looked at him, still a little red, "No that's ok, you can go."

"You sure?" He coughed.


He nodded and went to Joel's dresser, pulling out two shirts and two pairs of pants, "You can use these."

He handed you the clothes. When you looked into his eyes you couldn't help but laugh. Thankfully, it broke the tension.

"This is so awkward. Just take the clothes." Tom said, now laughing too. He turned around, still chuckling and went into the bathroom.

You heard the shower turn on and you looked around the room for a few minutes, waiting.

Then it hit you.

"Wait! You can't shower in my body!" You said just as Tom opened the door to the bathroom again, clearly realizing the same thing.

"So now what?"

"I think... we are actually going to have to shower together."

Author's note: OOO PLOTTWIST (not really). anyways i hope you enjoyed the chapterrr <33

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