ending two

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Sitting there in the darkness with heavy duty hand cuffs like the ones they used On Bakugou and a  more bulky face mask so you don't bite or hide anything from them that might help you escape

Looking out into the darkness that holds you captive

You shed a small tear

The dark

It was your only friend

Besides the people that kidnapped you and say
That their your 'friends'

But do friends leave you in the dark chained and muzzled like a dog


no they don't

Their supposed to do the opposite

Their supposed to protect you

Support you

Love you

But they don't they say they are protecting you from the real world

Your just like a little bird stuck in a cage

Just awaiting your chance to be free

Yet you know deep down

Your NEVER getting AWAY

Sighing in defeat

And falling on to the cold hard ground

Not bothering to try an escape anymore

Closing your eyes you exhale deeply and spoke

     Letting your raspy voice out once more

To let out a sign of defeat to the ones that keep you caged

"I've lost my mind

The skies are crashing around me

I'm left behind

Smoke obscures all that I can see

You lead me down a dark path

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