Cut it out y/n

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"Stop that"

Your fingers are still in mid-curl to your forehead as you look over to the dark-haired man that had spoken, your captor keeping an eye on you from across the room as he read a book. Then again, was there ever a time when he wasn't watching? Those dark eyes of his were always staring, spying, all but trying to worm inside of you. Reluctantly muttering under your breath, you put your hand down to try and go back to watching TV, even as your most basic urges told you to touch your face once more.

Shouta never liked how obsessively you picked at your skin. Nails would scratch and dig, fingers peeling scabs, squeezing bumps, clawing and irritating to the point you were occasionally drawing blood and tearing up the delicate flesh he loved so much. The Hero did his best to correct you, try and break you from the detrimental act, but he couldn't always be around between Heroism and teaching, and you always seemed worse for wear whenever he finally came back home. It was like a sickness for you, and he desperately wants to find the cure.

You know you'll just be scolded again, but sitting there with your hands in your lap feels like literal torture, and countless thoughts flood your mind about all of your skin's imperfections. The flaking skin, the dry patches, the bumps, acne, scabs; they all but scream at you to pick, scratch, peel, tear-

A strong hand snags your wrist to pull it from your face just as your nails had ripped up another scab, Aizawa looking at you with a frustrated glare. "I thought I told you to stop." He says in a low voice, and you just give the man a nasty look. "I can't help it, and it's my body, so let go of me."

That squeezing hold on you only tightens to the point of near-pain. "Every day you make me watch you destroy your skin, and I've had just about enough of it." The Erasure Hero growls. "Don't let me see you doing this again, or else."

Those words hit a nerve, and you don't appreciate being controlled. "I don't make you do anything; I'M the one who's been kidnapped." You snap angrily. "And hey, here's a little addendum: fuck you, asshole."

Aizawa grinds his teeth, and he's doing that thing again where he uses his Quirk for dramatic effect, those red eyes sending chills down your spine and digging into you more than your nails ever could. "I'm not making idle threats. Either you at least make an effort to stop, or you won't like what I have to do."

The two of you share several rough moments of eye contact,the tension in the air palpable, before finally, the Hero relents his grip, leaving you to rub your sore wrist as the man moves to grab the tablet he was reading from. You thought Shouta would just retake his former place, but he retrieves the device only to turn back around, plopping down beside you, like an unspoken threat that dared you to even think about picking again. Once again you feel those eyes on you, and you're left letting out a bitter sigh as you  try to relax to the best of your abilities.

But you just can't stop

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