Bloodied tape

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Anyway sorry about not posting on this story soon enough anywho here's my discord server thing
Come join,comfort,etc any your not here for that now
On with the story!


My point of view

You know it's sad

That the great h/n fell to the hands of the villain

For see that villain

Is the one who tied...

Well taped you to your chair

But what can you say

You got out and ran but doing that risked your trust

with him and you broke it

Let's rewind to the very beginning to how this happened shall we




I managed to pick lock the door keeps me from the outside world

Pushing the metal door forwards I was meet with a blinding light

Shutting my eyes a bit to adjust to it a bit soon enough I was able to see around

It was a fairly big room with some kitchen utilities and furniture

Authors POV

You made your way out of the door with your now dirtied hero suit

It's colour now dull and has small holes in it like as if you where in a cat fight

But making your way over towards the dark table that was near the centre of the room and quickly ducking underneath it

Looking from underneath the shadows of the table your e/c searched the empty area

You where about to get out from the table when a small faint tap could be heard

This caused you to evidently stop what your doing and go back into the shadows underneath the table

"Tsk tsk tsk"

A voice echoed through out the kitchen
This made your eyes almost pop out from your head
Your breathing became more heavy than before

"Looks like they got out from their room"

Foot steps suddenly appeared in front of the table but they where facing away from you

You took this chance when the male left to go check your 'room'

And booked it out the door not caring if you made to much noise

Running down the street with the cold air nipping at your nose

The sound of another pair of footsteps could be heard behind you

This caused you to panic and run faster

You where about to round another corner but something tided around your ankle and pull you back

Dragging you dangerously across the pavement

You where about to scream but some familiar hands put some tape around it

Looking up at the your capturer your eyes only meet black love sick ones

"Why did you run live bug"

He caressed your the side of your face

You glared daggers at him when he spoke once more

" oh love bug , I love you but you need to be punished for running away"

And with that your eyes went wide as he picked you up while throwing you over his shoulder and walking back home

But in the end

Your his

Love bug

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