No escape

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Non stop running

He thrives on a good chase
Like a game of cat an mouse

He was the cat
And you where the mouse

He would always find you
Thanks to his god damn quirk

You where currently hiding from the so called 'hero'
In a broken down house in a closet no less

Hearing the creaking wood was enough to send shivers down your spine

"Come on out y/n I won't hurt you"
He spoke in a soft tone
'Lies' you thought

The darkness was your only friend at this point
You decide to check where he was but as you moved a box fell which made a loud thud
You prayed that he didn't hear it


Was all you heard maybe he left your mind pondered but as soon as you moved a hand went around your mouth an torso

An that's where the game ended he caught you

" found you~"

That's when you came to the realization that he would never let you go

The pro hero lemillion that helps all

Or the monster beneath the lies

Mirio togata

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