Yandere sero headcannons

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•He's a pretty friendly guy, so like it or not you'd probably end up being friends
Majorly uses this to his advantage
Wins over all your friends and family
•He's a pretty chill guy, so as far as yanderes go he wouldn't be the most intense.
•He's still pretty obsessed with you though
Would offer to walk you home, and to classes and such
•We all know our boy is like, a bit of a perv
•But all of that gets directed onto you
•Say you're training and for whatever reason need to wear a tank top?
Oh this boy would go crazy
Think like,,, heart eyes crazy
•But if anyone else, say... Mineta, made any kind of comment?
•They'd become a tape mummy, courtesy of Sero
Would be kinda possessive, he's the only one allowed to comment on your looks
•Would pretend to just brush it off, but there'd be hell to pay later for whoever had the nerve to comment about what was 'his'.
•If you ever had any doubts, your friends would reassure you because he was 'such a nice guy, Y/n!'
•If you guys were close he'd try to cover you up whenever you were in public
•However, in private he'd try to get you into the most revealing clothing he could without being obvious.
•Because he's never seen someone as hot as you, and he doesn't want to share such a hottie with anyone else.
•Would have no problem using manipulation, if it's to •make you cover up, or hang out with him instead of someone else.
•Nobody suspects him of it either, he's just so nice.

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