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Liverpool, England

The rain was tapping gently on my bedroom window. I watched the people rushing through the streets, who were trying their best to shield themselves from pouring rain while I sitting warm and dry in the window frame. In the background, on the other side of my bedroom door, I heard my father arguing with my mother about money. Money has never been a problem within my family. But since the warehouse of my father burned down, he needs to start over again. He doesn't have anything left. However, there's one way to get his money back. Me.

My brother on the other hand, is doing very well. He is a privateer you see, in service of the Dutch West India Company sailing for the Triangular trade between Africa, Europe and the Americas. He is currently stated on Curaçao to oversee one of the plantations. He often came home with all sorts of exotic delicacies. Spices, rum, sugar, cotton, you name it. Sadly we had to trade or sell them.

"She's going and that's the end of it!" My father shouted loudly from behind the door. It went quiet and a few moments later there was a knock on the door. I stood up and smoothed my skirt down. "Come in." I said hoarsely and I cleared my throat. The door creaked as it opened slowly. My mother stepped out, looking at the ground and closing the door behind her.

She looked up at me. Her face was wet from the tears she shed a few moments ago. "I am so sorry, Em." She said hoarsely. I looked at my mother and felt my knees shaking, like the ground was sinking beneath my feet. I tried to hold back my tears and nodded slowly. "When am I leaving?" I asked. I held my breath and my mom's voice cracked. She started to cry softly, shaking her head. "When am I leaving?" I repeated shakily. "Tonight." My mother cried. Her hand rushed to her mouth and she covered it while she cried.

I turned around to the window and I covered my face with my hands. I took a deep breath and rested my hands on my hips and turned around to my mother. "Amsterdam is not far from here," I said quickly, "Maybe a day or four by boat, right?" I said carefully. "I could come home easily to visit."

My mother shook her head. "Emma... You're not going to Amsterdam. You're going to Charleston in the colonies. " My mother said blankly. I slowly shook my head. "Father said he lived in Amsterdam!" I said indignantly. "He found someone better." My mother replied. "Someone better, really?" I exclaimed and thew my hands in the air. "And you agree with this?"

My mother remained silent. "Our lives are unfair Emma, we don't make our own choices. That's the burden of us women that we have to bear."

"You are unbelievable." I said when tears started to run down my face.

"I am so sorry, Emma." My mother said quietly.

The floor of the hallway creaked. I looked passed my mother and saw my father standing in the doorway. He gave me a short, sad nod before he walked downstairs. "I should start packing then." I said to my mother and turned around. "I'll send Brutus to help you." My mother said with a faint smile. "It's okay. I don't have much to pack anyway." I replied quietly and I walked towards my closet. My mother stood in the doorway for a while but couldn't get anymore words over her lips.

She closed the door and I heard her footsteps fading away into the distance. When I couldn't hear her anymore I started to cry loudly and uncontrollably.


The carriage shook roughly over the uneven road. I was sitting next to my mother, my father sitting in front of me. We did not say anything on our way to the harbour. The wind was howling outside. It also got colder by the time we arrived. The carriage stopped and the driver stepped off. He opened the door and helped me out. My mother and father followed me. I looked at the ship. It was very big, with white sails. She was intimidating and beautiful.

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